My Son Want to Shoot F-Class

Looks like its working:)

Yup gotta get em ready for deer season. I got my wife shooting long range today in preperation for deer season. She shot her first 800 yard group with the 22-6.5x47 Lapua I built for her. She shot a couple of 1/2 MOA groups. I meant to take pics and post here but forgot and painted the steel.:mad: I have a couple of nice 3 year old bucks eating up the clover on my range. I think I am going to let her shoot one and let the other walk till next year, hopefully he will make it.

Your still gonna have to bring your boy over one day. I have a bunch of stuff he would probably enjoy shooting.

I think maybe I can get her a shot at this buck. But it is going to be a 500+ yard shoot.
WTG...took the nephew the last 2 days, only saw 3 bucks, a cow horn a young six and a four pointer. I have been watching 3 and 4 year old bucks all summer anticipating him getting his firs buck, glad your luck was better than mine.
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