"Practice with ALL you gear your hunting with HOW you intend to hunt, meaning range everything you shoot with your range finder, use your wind meter and ballistics solution every time don't short cut it other wise you'll loose shot opportunities and you'll be second guessing when you should be shooting."
I agree - except for wind meters. Wind meters are almost a waste of money - learn to read the mirage first and foremost. I use the side parallax of my scope to "see" mirage then dial it into focus when I see the prevailing wind condition. Wind is almost always stronger than a hand held shows - for one thing, your bullet is traveling quite a bit higher than you can hold it. Also, when hunting, you are not going to be sitting on top of a hill or ridge but rather below it, thus shielding the wind significantly at times.
When you practice, shoot at reactive targets like steel or rocks (I paint them black) so you can see the impact of wind. Far better to take 10 shots on ten different days than shoot 10 times in one sitting (who can't adjust after that first bad wind call?).
I use a wind meter, but honestly, if I can't see mirage my miss rate goes way up at 800 and beyond.