Vectronics Terripin very Goodacious

Dave, I looked on Vectronics website and it looks like you are referring to the PLRF 25c. This one has the ability to communicate with ballistic programs on remote devices such as the Kestrel and Trimble Nomad. It has an electronic compass that when used with a GPS enabled device allows the user to identify the exact GPS location of the ranged object. All kinds of sinister acts can be brought to bear on the aforementioned location if the user has an F-16 hanging around or is in communication with Artey. It appears it will be much higher in cost than the Terripin.
yes, that's the one i was referring to. thanks for explaining the difference. with my capabilities with electrical gadgets, i'd probably give the F-16 my location instead of the one i was looking at!the terripin certainly looks like a big step up from the current 1500 or so rangefinders.
I am afriad i'll be dropping some coin on this one. I was holding out for the PLRF10, but I don't see the benefit for me in the 10 when this thing ranges out of lethal range for me.
I had a nice talk with Alina from Vetronics. She said that 6 plus weeks would be when she gets her next shipment. She said the response they are getting on the terripin is better than they expected, that is fine with me because my next rifle will be about 4 to 6 weeks after that. There is still a lttle grey area about getting it into Canada but she is helping me with that. Suppliers up here say dont do it because of import laws, but Potomac says they have shipped to Canada with no problems. If there are any other Canadians that have one of these units already, some advise would be appreciated.
I am afriad i'll be dropping some coin on this one. I was holding out for the PLRF10, but I don't see the benefit for me in the 10 when this thing ranges out of lethal range for me.

I'm not gonna say it.....

Oh yeah I am! I told ya so!!! :D
I'm not gonna say it.....

Oh yeah I am! I told ya so!!! :D

Ya, ya! :rolleyes: When you brought this baby up before I hadn't seen enough folks using them to gain a confidence level. I've read enough now on this and many other sites across the globe to be confident. If there wasn't enough review I'd still be saving. You'll probably get to play with it before I do anyway.
Ya, ya! :rolleyes: When you brought this baby up before I hadn't seen enough folks using them to gain a confidence level. I've read enough now on this and many other sites across the globe to be confident. If there wasn't enough review I'd still be saving. You'll probably get to play with it before I do anyway.

I have your permission to play when it rolls in? :D
lil300 " elmer" here on the forum got the first one in Canada(Que) give him a pm, I'm sure he can help.
lil300 " elmer" here on the forum got the first one in Canada(Que) give him a pm, I'm sure he can help.

Hi guys heres the info for whoever wants to buy the Terrapin in Canada he is Vectronix's distributor.

Contact John Lutes of Ottawa he is Vectronix's Canadian distributor and is a very nice man, his number is 613-830-0203.
You will be happy with this unit! It ranges very good way better than my Swaro,Let me know how you like it.
Take care
Thank you Elmerdeer, just spoke with John Lutes. He clarified that not a good idea to import from the United States, like I mentioned about my luck if I was to import one, mine would be the one to get stuck at Customs and I would be out $2000, so thanks again for putting me in the right direction. Would any of you be interested in a Very Good pair of Leica 1600. $599 shipped to your door, bought brand new a year ago, no marks or nicks.
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