Yep, no telling whats in the pipeline, I replaced my Leica 1200 with the Terripin and I came very close to buying a 1600. Im glad I didnt. Im sure Sworo, Leica and others are going to be humped up trying to duplicate the Terripins performance. It would not surprise me if they gitterdun in the next couple of yrs.
In answer to the question asked about getting readings on individual rocks and trees at 1000+, if the objects are as large as the divergence it will range them very consistantly as long as the reticle is on target and stays that way during ranging. I was ranging cows at 1000 today with ease and I was just leaning against my truck freehanded. I havent put it one a tri-pod yet. It is not magic and it cant read your mind, if you wobble off target when you punch the button, you will range whatever you were pointing at at the instant the ranging button was activated.