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USPS did it Again

How do you do that?
I would be interested in putting in a package that I send out.
Len & Jill
If you have an I Phone you can buy the apple airtags online at Amazon. You code them to your phone following the instructions in the box and then they track. I have one on my wallet and on my car keys. They work really well. I have never shipped one but when I was doing the research into them many who posted about them said they had used them in this fashion and they worked great.

I am pretty sure Android systems have them as well but I don't have any experience with those.
If you have an I Phone you can buy the apple airtags online at Amazon. You code them to your phone following the instructions in the box and then they track. I have one on my wallet and on my car keys. They work really well. I have never shipped one but when I was doing the research into them many who posted about them said they had used them in this fashion and they worked great.

I am pretty sure Android systems have them as well but I don't have any experience with those.
USPS get paid for the packages and letters PLUS are subsidized by our TAX monies. and can't get anything right. I say fire them all and get rid of the USPS and just do Private Shipping.
Fedx usually throws my packages at the end of our driveway next to the road because they can't back out, and when they do back out they usually run over driveway wood boarders or hit the fence.

Just sticking with UPS now and driving to a UPS Center. The UPS Private Service Centers are all turning Liberal.
USPS Should Have been Dissolved Years Ago!
FedEx isn't much better, contract drivers
Many people put them in their checked luggage which can at times get "legs". If flying with gear, absolutely would have one in the bag or rifle case. ESPECIALLY the rifle case. I had a rifle "lost" for 12 hours in Cincinnati airport years ago that was placed in storage without scanning. Just an "oversight" I was told. 🤔 If air tag was available back then, it would show exactly where it was. NO WAY would I ship a firearm today without one or even 2 hidden today.

USPS is like going to a restaurant in many ways. My PO associate with my address is so incompetent in delivering simple mail that we had to place a chime on our mailbox to let us know when mail is delivered which can be 1:00PP or even as late as 9PM. Don't tell me they are not allowed to deliver that late. 🐂💩. Contracted carriers working multiple jobs deliver whenever they "can". I don't want mail left in mailbox overnight thus the chime. Our neighbor mail is like them using a "Candyland" spinner to which house gets whose mail. We have a good neighborhood thankfully that "delivers" mail. I have had package miscoded by them which then caused it to bounce around 12 days EVEN THOUGH address was correct just they had wrong code on it. So why didn't someone see that every time it's rejected? So we don't use our PO for anything, Just like a restaurant go somewhere else. Another PO not to far has been spot on. Helpful, friendly and professional. I sent some financial papers to Philadelphia OVERNIGHT with all the bells and whistles from this PO. Not delivered. Got informed of it by my financial company. These were EXTREMELY sensitive documents! I went to this PO. Told desk person, she got the PO Master. I explained the issue. She told me wait for few minutes. Called the main USPS center in Philadelphia, spoke to manager, demanded he go out to find it. It was on shelf scanned in but no reason why not put out for delivery. 🐂💩. The PO that did follow up is great. Everyone has similar delivery stories time and time again. But this PO that is what everyone EXPECTS! Why isn't this service normal? They are motivated, conscientious and do their jobs to the best they can. I applaud them!

I had my address PO tell me they will NOT guarantee OVERNIGHT delivery even though they take the premium charge to do so. I asked them if they knew the definition of FRAUD?

Recent thread:
USPS get paid for the packages and letters PLUS are subsidized by our TAX monies. and can't get anything right. I say fire them all and get rid of the USPS and just do Private Shipping.
Fedx usually throws my packages at the end of our driveway next to the road because they can't back out, and when they do back out they usually run over driveway wood boarders or hit the fence.

Just sticking with UPS now and driving to a UPS Center. The UPS Private Service Centers are all turning Liberal.
Unless it has changed recently USPS receives no tax money, they are funded by postage only.
I think the quality of all three of the major shippers. UPS, Fedex, or USPS, is dependant on the local employees, management, etc. In my neck of the woods USPS is probably the best of the three with Fedex being the slowest.
I was sent a package last week from a member on here with some brass and bullets in it. He sent me the tracking info for USPS. I grimaced. After a couple of days I checked the tracking number and it said it had made it to the local post office in Florence and would be out for delivery the next day. The next day came and went and when I checked it again it said it had been redirected at the receivers request. Well I didn't request it and according to the info it had been sent to another town. I finally received it two days later and was very grateful. I have had packages not delivered because they were two big for the mailbox. Its ten steps to our porch. I guess it would kill them to get out of the truck to deliver the package. Our neighbor gets our mail on a bi-weekly basis. I guess reading and associating numbers are not a required skill set for employment anymore at the USPS. Sorry but the USPS sucks! Plain an simple. FedEx and UPS in our area has been super reliable but of course that is always subject to change depending on who the driver is. Unfortunately its just the world we, as a country, have created!
I feel your pain, USPS is by far the best in my small town but is far from perfect. I know all the employees and drivers from UPS and Fed X on a personal basis and this helps. We do get contract shippers here called Ontrack and man they are some shady looking people who sometimes drive there own personal vehicles. They tend to drop packages in my driveway instead of walking to my porch, luckily I have no neighbors to worry about. My Family rode for the Pony Express back in the late 1800's and I bet they were more reliable than todays mail. Best of luck, Jason
Unless it has changed recently USPS receives no tax money, they are funded by postage only.
I think the quality of all three of the major shippers. UPS, Fedex, or USPS, is dependant on the local employees, management, etc. In my neck of the woods USPS is probably the best of the three with Fedex being the slowest.

What are the long-term problems with how the Postal Service is financed?

The fundamental problem is that while the USPS generates enough revenue to cover its operating costs, its pension and retiree health care liabilities push its bottom line into the red. The USPS has operated at a loss since 2007. From 2008 to 2018, it reported $69 billion in losses. For the 2019 fiscal year, it lost $8.8 billion on $71.1 billion of operating revenue.

Because of the rise of email and digital communication, USPS has seen the volume of First-Class Mail decline from a peak of 103.5 billion pieces in 2000 to just shy of 55 billion pieces in 2019. USPS has tried to increase the delivery of marketing mail and has tried to compete with UPS and FedEx in the parcel delivery sector, including by forging a delivery deal with Amazon. (This has provoked criticism from President Trump.) As of 2017, the USPS held a market share of over 19 percent in U.S. package delivery. By law, the Postal Service has an obligation to provide universal service—that is, to deliver mail to "as nearly as practicable the entire population of the United States." This forces USPS to deliver to more addresses each year, even as fewer pieces of mail are being delivered.

What has Congress done to support the Postal Service?

In the CARES Act, Congress provided a $10 billion emergency loan to the USPS. The loan is sufficient to cover immediate cash needs for the Postal Service, according to the agency's 2020Q3 Fiscal Report. The conditions that the Treasury imposed on the loan led the vice chairman of the USPS board, David Williams, a former USPS inspector general, to resign, alleging that the Treasury demands threatened to turn the agency into a "political tool."

The loan postpones, rather than solves, the USPS looming liquidity crisis. The House of Representatives passed a bill on August 22 to provide $25 billion in additional government funding to the Postal Service. In addition, the bill—which is unlikely to pass the Senate—mandates that the USPS must reverse any policy changes that have led to delays in mail delivery and refrain from any new policies that would reduce its mail delivery performance until the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The LOANS to the USPS are considered to be AID which will not be required to be paid back to Tax Payers per the "CARES ACT".
WOW!! That's almost like gifting to Ukraine.
Exactly. taking our hard earned money and giving it to others that don't. Its become the American way with this administration! Wouldn't surprise me if the loans didn't come out of the Social Security entitlement fund. Sorry had to throw that in there since that's what the Democrats seem to think about it!.
USPS employs about 500,000 workers of which over 100,000 are military Veterans. No need to put down that outfit, and their workers.
USPS employs about 500,000 workers of which over 100,000 are military Veterans. No need to put down that outfit, and their workers.
Sorry 3chester, I was not singling anyone out but I call a spade a spade. If you're not doing your job you're not doing your job. It doesn't matter if you are a veteran or not! I am a military veteran and I can tell you no one has any problem telling me when I am not doing my job correctly. Its not a personal thing its a professional thing.