Ok, I'll expand on my mean'n.
First Camshaft, what the heck does 6-24 matter over 8.5-25? I see this as insignificant.
W/resp to the eyepiece differences I was talking about, there are a couple that are significant.
#1 The eypiece on an NXS turns with POWER changes.
#2 The focus setting of the NXS eyepiece to it's reticle can greatly affect it's magnification.
I don't prefer to EVER clean lenses myself. Never had any luck doing this without damaging the lens surface or coatings a little each time. I find that flip-up covers which are kept in place and only opened while in the shooting position, have reduced my lens cleaning needs to near never.
I mentioned earlier the importance(to me) of threading for Alumina flip-up covers/filters. These covers are way nicer than Butlers. If you ever used them you'd agree, I'm sure.
Leupold one-up'd everyone there.
But anyway, while flip-ups are used, a rotating eyepiece with power changes becomes a real pain. This is espescially true with fitted Butlers as they can't really counter rotate to hold position as an eypiece turns, and then the cover interferes with bolt operation, view of ACI or Level, or even the power change itself(as hanging up on the stock).
The Mk4 eyepiece does not rotate with power changes, and the Alumina flip-ups freely allow counter rotation, while installed, in any event.
I wear glasses. For a solid reticle focus on a Mk4, my eyepiece setting is pretty normal at about half the available adjustment. But on NXS scopes I always have to turn the eyepiece all the way in. This on atleast the 5.5-22, and 8-32 scopes. I notice also that when going back and forth between [MY] NXS at 32x, and [MY] Mk4 at 25x they are EXACTLY the same magnification.
So I don't actually get 32x with an NXS.
I don't know why this is, but it's there for you to test for yourself.