US forest issues kill order for feral cows in New Mexico

Read an article on Source NM about this issue. Sounds like the feds shelved the project due to the woke folks thinking it was cruel. Interesting that the ranchers seem to be against it also. Feds estimate (read guess) there are 10 to 20 critters are left. Are tax dollars hard at work
Hell they are pets. Killing our cows! 😁 They use to have burro hunts there along the colo river and baroques with the burro. It was my understand they were good to eat. Never got changes to do that. They closed it down. They why not for the cows. They want free ranging herds of everything else.
Hell they are pets. Killing our cows! 😁 They use to have burro hunts there along the colo river and baroques with the burro. It was my understand they were good to eat. Never got changes to do that. They closed it down. They why not for the cows. They want free ranging herds of everything else.
Yeah, like free ranging……wolves.
Made a 60 mile loop through that part of the wilderness in late January to see what was actually left in there. You'll be disappointed to know that there was no fresh sign of them left in any of their normal area.


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TBell, how do you mix in the olive oil with the hamburger? As you grind or after?

Here in NM the Gemsbok (Oryx) that escaped from White Sands Missle Rangeange onto the National Park became an issue. The Park decided to round them up and push them back onto the Range. Oryx are known to have killed lions in Africa, and are often spotted with coyotes rotting on their horns. Of course they gored a horse.

When I worked for the Forest Service, we called the Park Service "the land of no". No hunting, no camping, no dogs, no fires, etc. When the herding didn't work, they hired professional hunters to kill them. Oryx meat is by far the best game meat I've ever eaten. The odds for the once in a lifetime hunt on range is 1:10. Out of state licences go for abut $1500.

I live in Albuquerque, and the high schools were sold horsemeat for a while. It tasted great.

When they passed the Environmental Protection Act back in the '70s, the Forest Service started hiring "environmentalists". Biologists, Landscape Architects, Soil Scientists, Hydrologists, etc. They all have one thing in common. They went to college and learned to worship Mother Gaia. The EPA requires months of report writing by those same people before the agencies can do anything. In the case of controlled burns, they have to plan months in advance to meet air quality standards, so if the selected date turns out to be windy, the choice is to put it off to next year, or take a chance.
TBell, how do you mix in the olive oil with the hamburger? As you grind or after?

Here in NM the Gemsbok (Oryx) that escaped from White Sands Missle Rangeange onto the National Park became an issue. The Park decided to round them up and push them back onto the Range. Oryx are known to have killed lions in Africa, and are often spotted with coyotes rotting on their horns. Of course they gored a horse.

When I worked for the Forest Service, we called the Park Service "the land of no". No hunting, no camping, no dogs, no fires, etc. When the herding didn't work, they hired professional hunters to kill them. Oryx meat is by far the best game meat I've ever eaten. The odds for the once in a lifetime hunt on range is 1:10. Out of state licences go for abut $1500.

I live in Albuquerque, and the high schools were sold horsemeat for a while. It tasted great.

When they passed the Environmental Protection Act back in the '70s, the Forest Service started hiring "environmentalists". Biologists, Landscape Architects, Soil Scientists, Hydrologists, etc. They all have one thing in common. They went to college and learned to worship Mother Gaia. The EPA requires months of report writing by those same people before the agencies can do anything. In the case of controlled burns, they have to plan months in advance to meet air quality standards, so if the selected date turns out to be windy, the choice is to put it off to next year, or take a chance.
When I trained at McGregor Range those Oryx were something you did not want to tangle with.
You would be slipping through the dunes on foot and pop up on top of a dune and there would be a oryx about 30 yards away, back up and sneak around it.
You are absolutely correct about the agency's, they are all hiring people who have a green agenda reguardless of their qualifications.
And the control burning was slammed 25 years ago through most agencies and today you can see the damage that has done.
That one is not quite true, they issued depredation tags for outside the park (I hunted it) and let hunters inside the park as well. So exact opposite, they did use hired guns to finish the job but only after we did our work

The government is still responsible for the killing of those goats. They merely used hunters to do it! memtb