Ultimate long range cartridge

One of the ranges I used to shoot at got shut down because it was on public land.

I would have to be a billionaire to buy enough land for a 1,000 yard private range around here.

Both the ranges I intend to use for load development are private. I am usually a guest at the 1,000 yard range but might have to get a membership. At the closer range with a 200 yard lane, I go on non-member days although I do know a member, he just rarely goes shooting and it's far too expensive to buy a membership at that range, I could buy the RV for my load development trip cheaper than a membership there.
Most wind calls at 2000 will be bad, better have it tuned. My experience at 2000 is that a condition big enough to see is big enough to move you clear off target. Best bet is a good tune and fast shooting.
You may be surprised how far a good tune will take you. In my opinion more guys are held back by tune than conditions.
Can you speak a little more about what a good tune is please.?
I am just stumbling into medium long range with a $300 Remington 700 in 300wm, athlon ares scope, hand loading, on the low node. And, I really appreciate the wisdom on this site.
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I'm in awe of the information and opinions Iv'e read from the very 1st post to now mine and have to say thank you to all. Hoping that this year I'll break the 1000 yards with my long dreamt of and now paid for .375 Cheytac. It's yet to arrive (in transit between states) but have invested well enough into it and am looking very very much forward to punishing the odd rabbit with it and eventually at the gongs and the ocacasional deer at that or very close to or longer ranges. 😊
My vote would be the .338 EDGE.....Just always impressed by it...not sure above 1.5 miles but I'd like to try it further the 1 mile shots I've done...maybe a better casing and it would really really shine..
I'm 9 years away from retirement so ido have some time. If I wanted to shoot to 1 or 2 miles for a bench gun what cartridge would you go with
Big difference shooting 1 mile compared to 2 miles. In the 9 yrs you have, there is going to be so many advances made that some or most of the advice you get today will be dated.
What is your definition?
If I'm understanding your question correctly it's like when people buy large magnum rifles. Say a 300 WM ( it's pretty popular ). I ask them what do you hunt? They say deer. I reply oh sweet long range hunter like myself. This can go on and on. Most hunter shoot under 100 yards. I have guided hunts for quit some time now. All the feeders that are set up the owner of the property limits our set up at a max of 200 yards. It's cool whatever the owner wants. I seen more people with 300 WM than any other rifle. Then when they ask me what I shoot I tell them 260 Remington. I have dropped deer over 700 yards, elk just under 1000 yards, coyotes well over 1000 yards my furthest hog was taken at 997 yards all with my 260 Rem 140 grain Burger bullets. And people still think they need a 300 WM and 200 grain bullets to drop deer at 200 yards. All the guides I worked with here in Texas use 243s, 22-250,270, 7-08 and 25-06. We used to talk all the time with the hunters while they picked our brains and our caliber selection. My best response was if I can take a elk at 1000 yards W/ a 260 Rem then why would I even consider a 300 WM for shots under 200 yards on deer.
Ok I have 7 grand into my 28 nosler can I get into long range shooting for under 10 grand or will i have to save even more
You should all ready be there at $7K. I got just under $5K in mine. Some people spend more than others and there is nothing wrong with that. I just shoot a little 260 Remington out to 2300 yards. I thank thats long range for a 6.5 caliber. Now for a 28 Nosler/284, 7MM caliber 2300 yards is nothing. A 28 Nosler should be good for 3500 Plus yards. Just m 2 cents. Best of luck on your path.
del2les said:
What is your definition?

If I'm understanding your question correctly it's like when people buy large magnum rifles. Say a 300 WM ( it's pretty popular ). I ask them what do you hunt? They say deer. I reply oh sweet long range hunter like myself. This can go on and on. Most hunter shoot under 100 yards. I have guided hunts for quit some time now. All the feeders that are set up the owner of the property limits our set up at a max of 200 yards. It's cool whatever the owner wants. I seen more people with 300 WM than any other rifle. Then when they ask me what I shoot I tell them 260 Remington. I have dropped deer over 700 yards, elk just under 1000 yards, coyotes well over 1000 yards my furthest hog was taken at 997 yards all with my 260 Rem 140 grain Burger bullets. And people still think they need a 300 WM and 200 grain bullets to drop deer at 200 yards. All the guides I worked with here in Texas use 243s, 22-250,270, 7-08 and 25-06. We used to talk all the time with the hunters while they picked our brains and our caliber selection. My best response was if I can take a elk at 1000 yards W/ a 260 Rem then why would I even consider a 300 WM for shots under 200 yards on deer.

The question was in response to his statement of building a Cheytac as "horribly expensive". Expensive is a relative term, and it means different things to different people. We are talking about a serious 2 mile rifle, so like any sport, if you wish to play with the top tier boys, there is a price. Yours may not be mine or someone else's. YMMV
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