Ultimate long range cartridge

In my research it seemed the best all-around choice and compromise for me was the .300 Weatherby mag. Fast and flat yet I never see anyone referencing it. Am I missing something? Expensive round? Recoil issues?
It is a very good round, it's just that it's very hard to find ammo. The 300 Weatherby can push grain for grain bullets roughly 200 FPS faster than the 300 WM. 300 WM ammo is everywhere and more affordable. It's your choice to decide on wether or not 200 FPS and availability of the 300 Weatherby ammo it's worth it to you.
It is a very good round, it's just that it's very hard to find ammo. The 300 Weatherby can push grain for grain bullets roughly 200 FPS faster than the 300 WM. 300 WM ammo is everywhere and more affordable. It's your choice to decide on wether or not 200 FPS and availability of the 300 Weatherby ammo it's worth it to you.
I sort of took the opposite approach and figured that if the SHTF all of the 300 WM would fly off the shelves and the Weatherby would be collecting dust, to my advantage. I don't shoot a ton so could easily stock up on a five year supply in a matter of minutes. Price is not a real issue in the long run.

But experienced owners have told me the pain factor is a deterrent when it comes to this round...
I sort of took the opposite approach and figured that if the SHTF all of the 300 WM would fly off the shelves and the Weatherby would be collecting dust, to my advantage. I don't shoot a ton so could easily stock up on a five year supply in a matter of minutes. Price is not a real issue in the long run.

But experienced owners have told me the pain factor is a deterrent when it comes to this round...
Yes sir I totally agree. I'm kinda in the same boat as you but with my 260 Rem. like you though it's cool cause I just stock up on my ammo, so it's no big deal. I got like 400 rounds and can reload each casing around 10 times each. So that's quite a few rounds for a hunter and occasional target shooter. Good luck on your build sir.
Yes sir I totally agree. I'm kinda in the same boat as you but with my 260 Rem. like you though it's cool cause I just stock up on my ammo, so it's no big deal. I got like 400 rounds and can reload each casing around 10 times each. So that's quite a few rounds for a hunter and occasional target shooter. Good luck on your build sir.

300 WBY was my first hunting rifle, an old MK V made in West Germany circa 1959. Shot 0.5 inches at 100 yards. Love it, retired it, and bought two more. Took one to Africa. Never felt recoil. Heavy and fast or light and faster.
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