Ultimate long range cartridge

338 RUM like me.

I'm hoping it will be my everything under a mile load.

I decided to go lite because the solids are going to be similar weight and it's going to be easier to fit the magazine than a 300 grain.

It's a compromise like everything but I shoot mostly 1,000 yards on a range and it should be fine for that unless it doesn't like a jump or something like that.
Keep me posted good luck 👍
Warner says minimum twist for the 256 is 1 in 10", I got 1 in 9". I think that was a pretty safe choice.

I just wish 5r or polygonal rifling would have been an option with my barrel manufacturer.
I think I have well under 4K into mine. I did the purchasing, bedding and assembly but gunsmith did all the barrel work. Stiller TAC338 action, McMillan A5 adj, Broughton Barrel w/Ross Brake, Shilen Trigger, PT-G bottom metal, Accurate mag and a Sightron 10-50x60 sits on it. 3000 fps with Berger 300s. I think it comes in around 17lbs +/-
How many grains are you going with on rl33
Well just confirmed it at the gun shop a factory Tikka in 6.5cn is all you need. The owners shoots sub 1/4 moa at 750 yards on a moving target. He wouldn't hesitate to harvest any game at 1,000 yards either.
Pay attention to the ELRC 2000 yd match. Im not aware of any other match shot in the world at that distance or father for group size. So far the 338 lapua improved has shot the smallest group and agg. Group shooting on paper really drives improvement in accuracy so in 9 years I am sure we will have made a lot of progress. We are really just a few years into trying to get these big guns to shoot with BR level accuracy and theres a lot to be developed still.
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