Ultimate long range cartridge

Can't remember exactly where, but a couple yrs ago, I saw a special that had 6 snipers from around the world shooting 416 Bs and 50s. All 6 had first round hits on a human silhouette at 2500yds. 4 of 6 had 1st rd hits with the 50. Not sure if that tells us that when you go well past the mile mark these are the real kings, but damned impressive, just the same.
I havent reached 2 miles yet but hitting the steel at 1.72 miles with good results !
I have a 338 Edge set up for the 2 mile . Yes its light for some guys but I have had a great time with it .
Remington action 29" Kreiger heavy Palma fluted . Timney trigger, B&C A5 adj. Harris bi-pod. Nightforce 55 moa rail , Valdada 200 min. Adj base , Vortex Razor gen 1 with two sets of rings just because I like it that way !
After my Open Heart Surgery I went after my goal of long range !
I cant tell you how much fun it has been , and yes very ..very frustrating at times too !

Rum Man

Here she is just before shooting at my steel target at 3027 yards !
If you have the time and $$$ get after it ! Dont wait until it's to late !!
Good luck in your quest!!
My vote is for a 375 cheytac. I almost built one a couple years ago. A 300 Norma or 338 LM would be easier to shoot and practice at extended distances, not sure if you could get to 3520, but 1760 would be well within reach and even 2000-2500 would be doable. But if you are super serious about competing or very committed to hitting at 2 miles; my vote is for the 375 cheytac. I think it would be easier to load for, easier to find components, and easier to shoot from a recoil standpoint.
Guess it all comes down to how often you will shoot 2 miles. If you plan to compete at 2 miles and shoot it often then get a nice 50 BMG or Cheytac And a Schmidt bender scope Or equivalent. I have a 50 with a Schmidt bender that I shoot at 1000 yards. I shoot it like once every year. It is massive, expensive to load (230 grains powder) and although muzzle break tames the kick, it's just obnoxious to shoot. If your planning more like a 1000 yards to 1 mile with a try at 2 miles, then you open up a lot more possibilities. 300 PRC, 300RUM, 338 RUM and 338-378 weatherby. These will do 1 mile and could lob to 2 miles for a infrequent event. They are all cheap to reload (under 100 grains powder) and you can use them to hunt and target shoot. Little more versatile! Although Lapua and Edge and other 338s are also great they start stepping up your start cost. I sometimes feel a little ashamed when I'm shooting my 50 at 500 or 1000 yards, it's just overkill. I am able to shoot 1 mile but not 2 and when I do I use one of the listed calibers to do so. My 300 PRC is most pleasurable to shoot and it will bang steel. Plus I use all those guns to hunt. Just my 2 cents
Do you want to compete at 2 miles or just want a gun that can get there? If you want to compete then get a chey-tac or another off the king of 2 mile list. If your not competing with it you could build and shoot a 338 edge or 300 prc for a fractionof the cost of one of the big boys and likely have just as much fun with it. Maybe more fun if its more pleasant and cheaper to shoot.
Do you want to compete at 2 miles or just want a gun that can get there? If you want to compete then get a chey-tac or another off the king of 2 mile list. If your not competing with it you could build and shoot a 338 edge or 300 prc for a fractionof the cost of one of the big boys and likely have just as much fun with it. Maybe more fun if its more pleasant and cheaper to shoot.
I'm trying to Master 2000 yards right now. It might not sound like a lot to a lot of people but it's no easy task the group well at 2000 yards. Ma nature always has a say in the matter.
You don't have to even point it the right direction. Just roll down the window of your truck. The 6.5 will shoot the game itself and it'll pack the game right to you.
Well, I'll have you know I was shooting my 6.5 one day down in Arizona, and one of them little twisters come up, you know, them little tornadoes the desert makes? With one shot, I got three bullseyes.
Although I joined the 2 mile club shooting my custom 300RUM, I would never recommend this caliber for shooting targets that distance. A rifle in a. 375 Cheytac is far more suited for the job. But, you are going to find out that the rifle you build to shoot 2 miles will probably be the cheapest part of the equipment to enable you to shoot a 2 mile distance because the rangefinder that is adequate to get accurate distance information will cost you more as well as the appropriate load development and testing. Additionally, you better be in great shape unless you have a high butte standing up in a middle of a flat desert. By the way, you'll probably be lugging around 35 lbs or more of rifle and scope plus another 50lbs of equipment. Or, maybe you are more interested in having a rifle capable of shooting 2 miles without actually doing it. Whatever you decide, you are about in the same place in life when I decided to take on the challenge. Good luck with your choice and good shooting!
That is Awesome! I had gotten so tired of hearing morons say their 6.5 needmore could do anything a 300 WinMag could do (maybe while its sitting in the case?). My cousin said tell em we'll get 20ft apart and they can throw a pingpong ball at me as fast as they can and I will throw a baseball at them so they can see and feel the difference! :)
That's not a fair comparison. Try using a pingball sized steel bearing and a baseball.
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