Ultimate long range cartridge

I didn't realize those guns were that heavy. The few I have seen were pretty beefy, but I had no Idea they pushed 60lbs.
You can build a .50 a lot lighter but for two miles you probably want 36"+ of barrel with a 1.5"+ shank and heavy profile, 3 lbs of scope and rings, an adjustable slope mount or a Charlie Tarac, in an oversized benchrest style stock.

When you get that specialized, the inconvenience of a heavy gun is offset by the fact that heavy lets you shoot more before fatigue and flinch become issues, it keeps the gun from moving off target so much and heavy barrels help absorb heat so those long and comparatively thin barrels don't start shifting the POI if you have to shoot quickly due to wind.

I could have built my 338 RUM as a 10lb gun if I tried, less scope, a shorter hunting profile barrel and a light weight composite stock is all it takes but it would kick really hard and be generally unpleasant.
Ok I have 7 grand into my 28 nosler can I get into long range shooting for under 10 grand or will i have to save even more
I think I have well under 4K into mine. I did the purchasing, bedding and assembly but gunsmith did all the barrel work. Stiller TAC338 action, McMillan A5 adj, Broughton Barrel w/Ross Brake, Shilen Trigger, PT-G bottom metal, Accurate mag and a Sightron 10-50x60 sits on it. 3000 fps with Berger 300s. I think it comes in around 17lbs +/-


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I'm going to be about $7,000 in to my 338 RUM. Including optics (low budget for ELR) 338 RUM specific reloading gear, rests and a case.

I could have shaved maybe $2,000 off of that if I went absolutely entry level or built off a Savage.

Stepping up to a 338 Lapua Magnum would cost more because for safety margin you have to go up to a larger barrel shank. Stepping up to a big .375 is even more because you are 100% stepping outside of the Remington 700 compatible platform, everything is going to be specific to a big boomer.

Reloading for a big boy is very expensive too, if you are trying to shoot 1 mile+, you're probably going to need fancy lathe turned bullets which are a lot more than a lead core jacketed bullet. Even 338 has a premium, you would think that bullet price would scale with mass because the labor shouldn't change much between. A .223 and a .50 but the jump in cost from .308 to .338 bullets does not scale.
I'm a huge fan of researching components for the best deals out there. I purchased my A5 McMillan from a guy that never mounted it to a barreled action. It was inletted for a Stiller TAC338. Paid 450.00 for it. He needed it gone. Paid 850.00 for the Stiller action New but at a sale price from a dealer that was discontinuing selling them. Barrel was purchased second hand for 325.00 from Alex Wheeler. Chambering cost me 140.00. Shilen trigger 125.00 from Butch and Ross Brake 37.00 shipped. Installing brake 50.00. Sightron bought used for 725.00. Base/Rings 175.00. Bottom metal and mag was 200.00. Brass was purchased new in box from a guy on this site. 350 pieces for 200.00. 200 were in lapua boxes new. 150 mixed head stamp new in bags. 500 Berger 300s and 250 SMK 300s paid 340.00. You'd be surprised how much you can save doing your own searching. The other option is hiring a rifle maker to do it all at one package price. That's the $7000-$10,000 option.
I'm 9 years away from retirement so ido have some time. If I wanted to shoot to 1 or 2 miles for a bench gun what cartridge would you go with
So that's 2 different guns actually.
One of the Biggest things in Shooting those distances is ability to see splash. If you can't see the miss you can't correct for it.
So for a 1Mile gun 338LM or 33XC even 338 Norma. 338LM is the cheapest to shoot and reload for of those. Easily a 1Mile gun.
2Miles is another world. 375 can do it butYour ability to see splash is greatly diminished at 3520 yards. 416 Barrett is much more expensive to shoot but shooting 475 to 550g pills makes one hellofa splash.

Glass, you spectacular glass both on the gun and as a spotter.
1Mile I recommend at least 24x to 30x NF ATACR or Sig Tango6 5-30
2Mile NF 7-35x56

1Mile Spotting in good conditions. NF TS-82 or Kowa Highlanders
2Mile spotting Swarovski 95mm BTX's with 1.7ME

It's an expensive game.

now. A much cheaper game overall is shooting 22LR out to 300,400,500,Or 1000y
recommendations upon request for that but you get to shoot a lot more and easier to find a place to shoot unless you own the land to begin with
That is Awesome! I had gotten so tired of hearing morons say their 6.5 needmore could do anything a 300 WinMag could do (maybe while its sitting in the case?). My cousin said tell em we'll get 20ft apart and they can throw a pingpong ball at me as fast as they can and I will throw a baseball at them so they can see and feel the difference! :)
I'm a huge fan of researching components for the best deals out there. I purchased my A5 McMillan from a guy that never mounted it to a barreled action. It was inletted for a Stiller TAC338. Paid 450.00 for it. He needed it gone. Paid 850.00 for the Stiller action New but at a sale price from a dealer that was discontinuing selling them. Barrel was purchased second hand for 325.00 from Alex Wheeler. Chambering cost me 140.00. Shilen trigger 125.00 from Butch and Ross Brake 37.00 shipped. Installing brake 50.00. Sightron bought used for 725.00. Base/Rings 175.00. Bottom metal and mag was 200.00. Brass was purchased new in box from a guy on this site. 350 pieces for 200.00. 200 were in lapua boxes new. 150 mixed head stamp new in bags. 500 Berger 300s and 250 SMK 300s paid 340.00. You'd be surprised how much you can save doing your own searching. The other option is hiring a rifle maker to do it all at one package price. That's the $7000-$10,000 option.
Om the same way ! I like shopping for the right deals . In my eyes it's part of the excitement!

Rum Man
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