Yes the guy on the right drops, but his arm also comes back up over something followed by his head and upper body.Looked like a hit on the video I watched. There are three guys standing around. The far right drops like a stone after the shot. The two others duck and one of them crawls to the far-right guy as if to check on him.
Or find a 1# trigger for a BLRBut hey, tomorrow I could win 80 billion dollars in the lottery, become the Queen of Egypt, marry my dream man, see a cow jump over the moon, make my own 2.36 mile shot so accurately that I hit the coyote i was aiming at, and become the sole owner of Toyota?
Probably BS/propaganda to encourage more funding. Stuff like this not unknown.
Terminal velocity 641 fps as stated in previous post. Midrange trajectory about 1/4 mile.
Time of flight (12.4 sec) long enough for any movement of target over 1 ft for miss. Then there are shot to shot velocity variations. The Hornady 4DOFcomes up with almost 10 seconds for 3828 yards with the pointy .50 AMax at 2600 mv, wind at 3mph is 19 ft - provided plastic tippy thing is not melted off.
New bullet designs having pop out fins?
And just like that it became a 50 page thread!Aw c'mon, I would believe in NY second if it was 6.5CM.
I thought the same thing when I watched the video.They can claim a kill all they want, but that video is inconclusive at best and at worst appears the "targets" just ducked after the fact.
Aw hell, there`s probably 20 guys over on Sniper`s Hide that could make that shot. Just ask `em.Let's estimate the vital area of a fat russian mobik is roughly 20 inch diameter circle. At distance of 4153 yards that is about 0.48 MOA. Should be an easy shot for most of the Internet long range snipers with their all day "0.2 MOA if I do my part" guns After all no one claims this is repeatable, but if you try enough times or are lucky enough this certainly might happen. Especially if there's a group of invaders you're firing at.
Seriously, I think this should be taken with a grain of salt. As always, the first victim of the war is the truth. However, a bit of propaganda is more than OK if the nation is fighting for its existence and under an attack.