Typical Range day setup. Pictures please!

The drill on the table are you cleaning your barrel what is it. I would like to know. Or is it some other rechargeable device and what is it used for ?
Ryobi blower with a tube as barrel cooler. Best Ive found. $39 at home depot not incl battery. Best Ive found and doesn't heat air like amazon ones do.
I don't have pictures, but I use a Caldwell ROCK BR front rest and a Caldwell Rabbit ear rear rest. Local range supplies a piece of carpet cut to fit the concrete bench. And a Magneto speed, soon to be replaced with the Garmin. Garmin is a Christmas present from my wife.
From your wife? Does she know it? lol.
Yep. And years ago she bought me a .270 in a Remington 721, and three years ago a Savage 99 in .308. And tolerated my sense of humor for over 44 years.:):)

You Sir are indeed a lucky man!

My wife treats me real good…….but holds my sense of humor in very low esteem! Perhaps the reason that you guys catch the full brunt of my "attempt" @ humor! 😉 memtb