so you gies dont think that information was true that for every 20 degrees farenheit change it moves your bullet a whole MOA up or down? I was just curious because it was a marine sniper that told my friend that and i was curous if you gies had heard .
The elevation correction is largely dependent on the distance to the target and caliber. For example, with my 6.5x284 I don't pay too much attention to temperature changes under 20F for distances below 600 yards. At a 20F change an 700-900 yards, 1 click(.333moa) up. At 1000 yards, 2clicks(.666moa). If the sniper was talking about a 308 with Federal 168 Match, the 20F change is in fact a 1moa change in elevation at 1000 yards. That's temperature only. Humidity and pressure changes depending on extent could require further consideration. Hope this helps.