

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2006
Nottingham, UK
i have decided to send my 4.5 x 14 x 50 vx111 illuminated
to Leupold custom shop for target turrets to be installed.

witch are the best ones to have put on?????

and do Leupold do a ret that just has wind age marks on.
and a dot as the aiming point (Small dot)

and is there anything i should ask them to do when they get it.

i have seen the link,but thanks anyway.
and by what i can make out there is about 4 different types.
some are tall and others seem to be small.

what i was thinking was,is any of them essayer to see/use
or is it down to personal preference,or are they all different types for different types of scopes.

any thoughts on this will be appreciated.
when you ship the scope, write a little note asking them what you want done. the leupold target turrets are great, i wouldn't buy the stoney point ones or any others. if you have a leupold scope, just get leupold target knobs. There great. they are easy to use, they take 3 little allen wrench screws on each cap, when you zeroed your rifle, simply unscrew the 3 screws and put it on "0", then tighten them back up. You are now ready for a drop chart.
The primary concern is whether the scope tube is one inch or 30mm. The target turret with the removable cap will fit the one inch, whereas the bigger M1 and M3 turrets only go on the 30mm tube. The M1 is a very nice turret, 1/4 moa clicks and reliable. The M3 is a trajectory compensation turret that has coarser adjustments, faster to get a bunch of elevation on. It is calibrated for specific trajectory arcs, has interchangeable turret shells for military loads.
Suggest if you talk to Leupold they will explain this in detail - there is a new tall M3 this year, not sure but it probably has more elevation lattitude.
Some of the target turrets have 1/8 moa clicks, for hunting we usually go with 1/4 moa.
If you have a 30mm scope tube you will enjoy the larger M1's.
Good luck with your decision.

Leupold has unfortunatly stopped putting any M turrets on the regular VX-III based scopes. I contacted them about a month ago as their custom shop order form indicated I could have M1 turrets installed on my LR VX-III (with 30mm tube), but they replied that they now will only change them to target turrets, not M style turrets. The custom shop order form has since been updated to reflect this (although it does suggest you could still get them on the older Vari-X III's).

I could be wrong, but I hope not, as I just sent my scope in to have the regular turrets installed.

Good day,
The primary concern is whether the scope tube is one inch or 30mm. The target turret with the removable cap will fit the one inch, whereas the bigger M1 and M3 turrets only go on the 30mm tube. The M1 is a very nice turret, 1/4 moa clicks and reliable. The M3 is a trajectory compensation turret that has coarser adjustments, faster to get a bunch of elevation on. It is calibrated for specific trajectory arcs, has interchangeable turret shells for military loads.
Suggest if you talk to Leupold they will explain this in detail - there is a new tall M3 this year, not sure but it probably has more elevation lattitude.
Some of the target turrets have 1/8 moa clicks, for hunting we usually go with 1/4 moa.
If you have a 30mm scope tube you will enjoy the larger M1's.
Good luck with your decision.

[/ QUOTE ]

it is a 30mm tube and it says metric .5cm on the box
so i take that to mean i have to have a metric drop chart.
i have emailed Leupold USA and they have put me in touch with Leupold Germany.(so i don't have to go through the import paper work,so i don't get stung again)
i will give Germany a ring to day to discuss my options.
i have been reading about the parallax on these scops (side wheel ) and that you have to take it back to infinity every time you use it.
can you have this made better so you can use it with out this hassle.
just a thought

so when i have the turrets put on,i can choose what to have the clicks in.(hope so as i am more comfortably with 1/4 )
o by the way i live in the UK.
well i have rang Leupold Germany and they don't do the M1 turrets.

so i have rang Leupold USA and the scope is on its way.
i asked for the M1 turrets and they said they can fit them.
and received a email saying it Will take about 5 days to do.

so that off in the post as i type this.

thanks for all your help
[quote (side wheel ) and that you have to take it back to infinity every time you use it.
can you have this made better so you can use it with out this hassle.quote]

Dont know where or who you have been listening to but thats a load of b....cks. Always focus from low to high rotation if you want to rangefind but 99% will probably set theirs at a predetermined distance and leave it.
Clicks will be 1/4" at 100 yards you cannot choose.
Not familiar with the ret but it could be metric as is the thread sizes of the VX range, Vari x 3 is imperial but look the same.
[quote (side wheel ) and that you have to take it back to infinity every time you use it.
can you have this made better so you can use it with out this hassle.quote]

Dont know where or who you have been listening to but thats a load of b....cks. Always focus from low to high rotation if you want to rangefind but 99% will probably set theirs at a predetermined distance and leave it.
Clicks will be 1/4" at 100 yards you cannot choose.
Not familiar with the ret but it could be metric as is the thread sizes of the VX range, Vari x 3 is imperial but look the same.

[/ QUOTE ]

this is from http://www.6mmbr.com/parallax.html

[EDITOR'S NOTE: When using Leupold side-focus scopes, such as the 6.5-20X LRT, lash in the focus knob can lead to focusing problems. When this happens your target is slightly out-of-focus when you've got the parallax "dialed-down" as much as possible. To get better, more repeatable focus, you should rotate the side-focus knob ALL the way forward to the infinity stop before setting the parallax adjustment. Go slowly. If you go past the point where parallax is minimized and focus is sharp, then go all the way back to the infinity stop and start again.]
Ok it did get the better of me i had to have nose at the link after writing half of this. Think i am going to have to prove it, its this sort of thing thats confusing most and has no meaningfull bearing on the functionality.
Lash as in backlash on the focus wheel. Whether there is backlash or not use in one direction only low to high, you will get a different reading if you go high to low anyway. So if there is backlash, rotating in one direction you have initially took up the play, if any.
Incidently different readings will be obtained if using very slowly but nowhere as profound as the differing lighting conditions and fitting of sunshades.
I have a genuine Mark 4 and a VX3 8.5x25 modded LRT plus begged stole or borrowed just about every repectable scope out there.
I have a 12 year old Tasco here somewhere thats got severe backlash and still performs exactly the same as if it had none. Admitedly it does not look or feel good. If you go past the object, rotate the other way a bit then take up play and go up again to it. Not the other way round as in link.
Get this focusing right a competant person should be able to estimate the range within +/- 1.5% beter than a decent laser rangefinder plus associated issues, 5% is not very good. If you follow as in the link i would be surprised at +/-8%.
Ok it did get the better of me i had to have nose at the link after writing half of this. Think i am going to have to prove it, its this sort of thing thats confusing most and has no meaningfull bearing on the functionality.
Lash as in backlash on the focus wheel. Whether there is backlash or not use in one direction only low to high, you will get a different reading if you go high to low anyway. So if there is backlash, rotating in one direction you have initially took up the play, if any.
Incidently different readings will be obtained if using very slowly but nowhere as profound as the differing lighting conditions and fitting of sunshades.
I have a genuine Mark 4 and a VX3 8.5x25 modded LRT plus begged stole or borrowed just about every repectable scope out there.
I have a 12 year old Tasco here somewhere thats got severe backlash and still performs exactly the same as if it had none. Admitedly it does not look or feel good. If you go past the object, rotate the other way a bit then take up play and go up again to it. Not the other way round as in link.
Get this focusing right a competant person should be able to estimate the range within +/- 1.5% beter than a decent laser rangefinder plus associated issues, 5% is not very good. If you follow as in the link i would be surprised at +/-8%.

[/ QUOTE ]

thanks for that i will give this a go.
Colin, you get three attaboys and three hurrah's for posting the link to 6mmbr's info on parallax. So much stuff online about parallax is bunk. What's in their website is great and everyone should be required to memorize it before owning a rifle scope....there oughtta be a law!!!

Thanks again.
thanks for that i will give this a go.

[/ QUOTE ]

For what? Rangfinding? Using the parralex adjustment isnt a very good way to range. Most of the time the yardage markers wont line up with the actual distance anyway. Use a rangefinder for rangeing, and the parralex adjustment for parralex adjustment. To adjust for parralex, go all the way to infinity and then back slowly untill there is no more parralex. If you go past it you have to go all the way back to infinity.
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