Looking for input on barrel cleaning. I typically been a traditional clean it after shooting pretty much everytime. Is there any advantage to leaving it dirty or is cleaning after each range session the way to go?
I shoot comp guns, previous to this as a hunter only shooter, I would clean the bore after ANY shot(s) fired and store my rifles unril the next time it was used.
After doing the same when I started comp shooting, I discovered it was not necessary and was actually detrimental to the barrel bore.
Frequent unnecesarry cleaning is actually harming your barrel, believe it or not, more barrels are damaged by cleaning rather than shooting them.
I have 3 comp barrels that can go 200-400 rounds without severe cleaning, just a couple of patches with Hoppe's Benchrest run through after a match and that's it, no brushes, no copper removing chemicals or anything and these barrels will produce less than 1/4MoA for those amount of rounds.
I only clean for copper if accuracy goes south, and only after a few comps when I check the throats for wear and elongation, which averages .020" every 400 rounds or so in 416 stainless barrels.
So, my advice is clean only as needed, if you fire a few shots hunting you can leave it as is, only clean when accuracy drops off, if you hunt in the rain WITHOUT electrical tape over the muzzle or you have a mishap and get dirt or other foreign matter in the bore and don't worry about copper streaks in your bore, carbon fouling is what causes the most damage as it is erosive as it travels down the bore.