Thunder ridge outfitters

Topgun, didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. I was just trying to answer your question, not accuse you of asking a bad question. Your point is valid too.
Randy is a good guy. Private or public, they'll put you in an area with good goats. For the money, not a bad way to learn a new area. A buddy of mine is in a couple of the pic's on their website...
As of right now I don't know if it is on private of public land. He will make that determination closer to the time we get there and where the antelope are at that time. .................JR
Good luck to ya, but I would not be paying a guy $700 a piece if you don't even have a private ranch for sure to hunt on. A DIY antelope hunt in Wyoming is about as easy as it gets, but different strokes for different folks as they say! Have fun and be safe out there, as well as on the trip back and forth.
Everything went great and we all had a good time. The weather was extremely nice and the camper and set-up was also very good. We all tagged out on Saturday morning. Randy was always a phone call away if we needed anything. I would not hesitate to go this rout again in the future when we have more points for a better area. I will post a picture as soon as I can figgure out how to get it from the phone to the computer to here!.............................JR
Let me see if this works.


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Nice work! Were all the shots long? Would you have had good opportunity if you were limited to 300 or so yards? Sent you a PM with another question too.
I missed one on Friday at about 650 yards. I WILL have a better range finder when we go out the next time ! My buck was 390 yards and my doe/fawn was at 50 feet. The other guys were all around 100 - 200 yds..
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