Anyone hunt with SNS Outfitters?

I want to go on a guided antelope hunt up in Wyoming this fall. I am considering booking with SNS Outfitters but can only find two reviews from people who have hunted with them. One review is very good and one is very bad. Anyone here have any experience working with them? Any help would be appreciated.
FYI, in replying to this old post, I did a guided pronghorn hunt with SNS from Sept. 15-17, 2021, in Unit 73 near Casper, WY, private land only. Two ranches, Forgey (80K ac.) and Casper Creek (30k+). It turns out, contrary to what I was told, that I was hunting on the same units that the non-trophy antelope hunters are on. As the SNS guide said, only difference is you pay $1000 more. Also, their "trophies" are under the Safari Club (SCI) measure, which will usually score much higher than B&C, as I've seen it. Morning of third day, after some of the toughest hunting, with few quality antelope, that I've been on, my guide encouraged me to essentially just tag out - took a buck that he measured as 70 1/2 B&C, lol. A waste of 7 years worth of points, cost of hunt ($3500+), plus $00 guide tip, etc. Makes me ill thinking about it. One and only time I'll ever hunt with SNS; the guide worked hard, but wasn't particularly skilled - I could have done better spotting and stalking on my own. Don't waste your money. Based on my experience, only good thing about SNS is the salesmanship of their hunts.
Ugh and worst of all of that to me (at my age, 62) is burning your points. I'm at 7 or 8 and trying to make a game plan as I'm not sure once I use them I can gain enough to draw again.....
A lot of people in WY don't care for Sy and his way of doing things. They are known for leasing some land but then harassing other hunters who are on BLM and State land telling them that they can't be there. Also have been known to hunt an area until there's hardly anything left and then move on to another location. I'm fine with non-resident hunters here in WY, heck my brother in AZ is coming up in a few weeks to hunt deer. My issue with Sy is that he will show up at G&F meetings and argue to take away from residents and give more to non-residents which means more money in his pocket.
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