How can ignoring someone be a weapon?It's the abuse I'm speaking to - as in used as a weapon.
Do I owe them something? Is it their right to gnaw on whoever they want, whenever they want? You don't have to explain if you don't want to... but why is ignoring someone a problem?
What solution do you think would be better than ignoring them? Have you ever tried to reason with these people? lol See, for them, it's a game. They are anonymous, so they can say whatever they want. Even for those that aren't playing a game, and they really are that way... cognitive dissonance is very real. The more facts, data, and evidence you provide... the harder they will dig into their opposing stance. It doesn't matter that they have zero experience with the topic at hand... they will not EVER back down because their childhood trauma believes that is a sign of weakness.
So what would you have people do if not ignore them? Fight it out? I've got rounds to load, students to train, products to develop, videos to shoot/edit, photos to take/edit, rifles to assemble/shoot, emails to answer, PM's to respond to, and phone calls to take from people that are desperate for my help. I completely understand and appreciate you've already provided me with much consideration, being a vendor and all... but even a regular poster on here that isn't in the industry, why should he get gnawed on daily without recourse?
I'm genuinely curious if you have a different solution, because this is a serious problem among genuine people that care on here.