They are indeed probably among the three best scopes made on the planet today but the older I get the more I'm convinced that where you reach a certain price point on glass which is around 2,000-2,500.00 in today's dollars you're probably at the line of practicality.
No matter how much more you spend you're probably never really going to appreciate how much, "better" a 3,000.00-6,000.00 scope actually is because there's so little difference.
It's like when we try maximizing velocity for a given round, you reach a point where it takes a rather huge increase in powder to achieve just 200-400fps in velocity and that always comes at a higher cost in wear and tear on components, rifles, even glass.
Would I buy one if I had unlimited money? Maybe, or I might just go buy two VX6's and top off a second rig with top quality glass.
They sure look cool though!