The LRKM is Just about ready for production

OK I absloutely could not stand the green color so we tried our traditional Cerakote and web camo finish on the LRKM, much happier it looks at home now.


Does this mean that when you start producing the 338 LRKM all of them will have this paintjob? :D Please say, "Yes!"
The standard finish will still be a solid color anodize of OD green, black or tan. The finish in the picture will be an option, but all of our web camo / Cerakote finishes will be available, rock, forest, woodland, timber and artic web coupled with coyote, titanium, black, od green, white, and earth brown Cerakote.
ok, now i want one! that's looking good shawn! sorry if this has been answered, but how long till we could get one like that in our hands? also, this has probably been answered but i've been busy with work. Are you only doing your +P with the edge, or are you doing it with any caliber?

thanks again
We are only doing the Edge in +P at this point (working on some others). I beleive that leade time is about 6 months right now, the BAT action is a bit of a bottle neck at this point.
Shawn, you and your dad do without a doubt the best Cerakote i've personally looked at to date. Everytime someone looks at my .223AI, or as you call it "mouse gun" they always want to know who did the work and I gladly tell them you.
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