Thank you Lord for bring my son home safely ...

I never served in the military. Too young to be drafted and didn't select the military for my career.

However, I have never forgotten that all my family and I take for granted in this country is thanks to those who serve and the families who support them.

Thank you for your son's brave and continuous service.
I never served in the military. Too young to be drafted and didn't select the military for my career.

However, I have never forgotten that all my family and I take for granted in this country is thanks to those who serve and the families who support them.

Thank you for your son's brave and continuous service.



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I was in Iraq this last March. Maybe I worked with him??? That place blows. I personally think every American should spend one day in those countries before they b*tch about how bad they have it in America. Tell your son congrats and welcome home!!
Great news I have to say thanks for the service to all who did. Because of you guy many of us are able to follow our dreams. I had to chuckle a bit when you said you worried more for him than yourself. As a new parent I get that. To me it's the only downside to being a father I'm always worring I could not imagine the worry you must have when he's gone. I've never worried about myself and done so many stupid things to end up with 27 broken bones and lots of time in the hospital and never once though to slow down. But I worry every time my son is out of sight for a second.
Thank you and your whole fam for your service and stay safe.
I was in Iraq this last March. Maybe I worked with him??? That place blows. I personally think every American should spend one day in those countries before they b*tch about how bad they have it in America. Tell your son congrats and welcome home!!

He's a combat systems officer with the U-28 aircraft from Herbie.

Will do, thank you also for your service.

Great news I have to say thanks for the service to all who did. Because of you guy many of us are able to follow our dreams. I had to chuckle a bit when you said you worried more for him than yourself. As a new parent I get that. To me it's the only downside to being a father I'm always worring I could not imagine the worry you must have when he's gone. I've never worried about myself and done so many stupid things to end up with 27 broken bones and lots of time in the hospital and never once though to slow down. But I worry every time my son is out of sight for a second.
Thank you and your whole fam for your service and stay safe.

I also remember my late Dad (retired USN) worrying about my safety. :)

Thank you! I have to admit, despite my many deployments when I was active duty, I worry about my son now more than I did for myself then.

My younger son is joining the Marines this Dec ... we shall see how things works out.


Great to hear he is home and catching his breath. Let me know when your youngest heads out to MCRD San Diego, I left there feb 2001. I'll be more than happy to send him few letters as I know how invaluable they can be in that long 3 months
I never served in the military. Too young to be drafted and didn't select the military for my career.

However, I have never forgotten that all my family and I take for granted in this country is thanks to those who serve and the families who support them.

Thank you for your son's brave and continuous service.

Ditto! Thank him!
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