Texas Nilgai ranch

You'll kill one in one day...it's not a tented safari, more like an assembly line hunting operation. Drive out, spot some blue beasts, sneak a little and shoot one...meat hunt, but still fun.

Auodad hunting it some parts of Texas is pretty close to sheep hunting...
Yeah I'm familiar with how it works at some ranches but still steep for my taste. I have no doubt it would be fun though. I have a buddy that has a lease outside Junction that cant kill enough Aoudad on his place to keep them from tearing up is equipment.
I have a place crawling with aoudad. Low fence btw. I would love to trade aoudad for nilgai hunts. Nilgai don't weather cold nor drought well so they are more coastal in general.
I can't trade you a Nilgai hunt, but I would be interested in doing an aoudad hunt. What do you charge?
I also grew up on and around King Ranch. The place is crawling with them. Anywhere near Falfurrious, Kingsville on up to Three Rivers is great. The Sarrita and Borregos lease used to be so thick with them they wouldn't put horses out there. Blues will kill horses in the rut. The best areas for Nilgai are what I'd call coastal, from the water to a hundred miles inland. All in southern Texas. They are one tough animal. I've seen them take .375 H&H in the boiler and still run. This is thick brush country, you dont want to have to follow up far. Bring snake proof boots, there are plenty of rattlers down there too, and thick pants. Every bush and tree has thorns. Ask about Javelina and hogs too. Javelina used to be on the 3 day non-res varmint small game tag down there. Lots of the them in South Texas too. The best, biggest free range Aoudad are way west out near the Davis Mountains about 16 hours drive I think. Don't be fooled, these are real mountains and are a real hunt that will bleed you. They can be found almost anywhere in the state though. The bigger the ranch generally speaking will be the better hunt. Plenty of people have a few running around on 100 acres. No fun. I'd look for 5000 acres or more. Avoid anywhere within a hundred miles of Austin.
Ha, back in the old days we'd hunt hogs and javies on the King Ranch for $25 a day and they'd throw in a Nilgai for $5... šŸ˜‚
One fine eating critter, to bad it's so far from Montana. ;)
Our place bordered the King. I like javelina but skinning them is a pain. If you get a drop of musk on the meat it's all bad. Every year we'd get a stray nilgai or two, it is pretty good eats. The cows are delicious.
Ha, back in the old days we'd hunt hogs and javies on the King Ranch for $25 a day and they'd throw in a Nilgai for $5... šŸ˜‚
One fine eating critter, to bad it's so far from Montana. ;)

Holy Smokes!
How many decades back was this ?

I can recall day hunts for WT in central TX being $25 in the 70s.
I wish it was still cheap to hunt, it's to the point hunting even prairie dogs cost money most places. We used to get paid where I am from to kill them.
Started bowhunting the King Ranch and a few others down there four decades ago. I lived much closer then and it was a blast for sure. Pretty nice going down when it's real wintry at home šŸ˜œ but haven't been back in 20 years. Just too **** far and too expensive any more.
Holy Smokes!
How many decades back was this ?

I can recall day hunts for WT in central TX being $25 in the 70s.

Started bowhunting the King Ranch and a few others down there four decades ago. I lived much closer then and it was a blast for sure. Pretty nice going down when it's real wintry at home šŸ˜œ but haven't been back in 20 years. Just too **** far and too expensive any more.
Started bowhunting the King Ranch and a few others down there four decades ago. I lived much closer then and it was a blast for sure. Pretty nice going down when it's real wintry at home šŸ˜œ but haven't been back in 20 years. Just too **** far and too expensive any more.

Started bowhunting the King Ranch and a few others down there four decades ago. I lived much closer then and it was a blast for sure. Pretty nice going down when it's real wintry at home šŸ˜œ but haven't been back in 20 years. Just too **** far and too expensive any more.
Tio Kleberg used to be pretty easy going 40-50 years ago. Except with the roughnecks and Exxon employees. We were pushing in a slush pit back when that was legal and a old Lincoln limo with the doors off and a dog box mounted in the trunk came cruising by with George Bush Sr and Sons on a Quail hunt. This was before they were anybody outside of Texas. Tool pusher smacked me on the back of the head and told me to quit gawking and get back to work. Good times.
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