Texas Nilgai ranch

Never forget my first time in there. Driving by 40 acres of big tractors and farm equipment. Then 55mph for like 30 min to our hunting area. Pretty amazing for a poor farm boy like me.
If all goes according to plan, week after next I'm heading down to Riviera Beach for 3 or 4 months of fishing Baffin Bay and if I'm lucky I'll get an opportunity to kill a big blue on private land within 1 mile of the saltwater. They frequently hang out in the FM Road ditches down there. I cant count how many times I've seen them before sunrise when dragging my boat to the ramp on the Cayo del Grullo.
Valley Nilgai are more of a day meat hunt. It's more a drive, spot and easy stalking hunt. The hill county Nilgai are a lot harder to spot and stalk. If you're going to high fence, I'd suggest a 10K acre ranch size outfit. The fence won't enter in to it. I would not hunt Aoudad high fence unless you are bow hunting. You will most likely be hunting over a feeder. The Davis Mountains is my favorite place to hunt them. It's a very reasonable hunt for what you get.
It's no fun at all and they taste terrible. Be ready for either the easiest hunt or hardest hunt you've been on. You'll either drive up on one in the first 10 min with its head down and shoot it. Or spend three days getting busted 6-700 yds out. It's about the tuffest game out there to take down. I've seen them run 150 yds after getting nailed in the chest from 100 yds with a 416 Barrett.


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You'll kill one in one day...it's not a tented safari, more like an assembly line hunting operation. Drive out, spot some blue beasts, sneak a little and shoot one...meat hunt, but still fun.

Auodad hunting it some parts of Texas is pretty close to sheep hunting...
Yes, the wild ones in the Guadalupe Mountains are a worthy adversary. Can be a very exciting and tough hunt. I'm way too old to pull that off again.
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