Tape the end of your barrel !

as 300 mentioned thats the way we do it over here. for me not having tape on almost feels like the feeling i get when forgetting to put on a seat belt in the car. makes me uneasy. would hate to get something down the tube and then have a shot of a life time buggered up from it. i have several wraps on the barrel end. then when i blow some of i just unwrap some more and on it goes.
I've been using masking tap for years.

After much testing the tan color's masking tape is preferred over the blue.

One fella wraps some tape around the barrel behind the muzzle as a ready supply.

For my rifle with a Holland and DE brakes I've been using fingers cut from surgical gloves.

Balloons are a bit distractive in that they expand before they blow and leave you with a false sense of 'red mist', if you use a red one.:rolleyes:

I have some drop charts work up I'll do some experimenting. I think that with the masking tape covering the muzzle only that the bullet never touches it before the pressure ahead of the bullet pushed it away.
I use electrical tape. balloons, condoms, and commercial barrel covers will degrade, rust your barrel, and remove the blue if you forget to remove it at the end of each hunt and before you put your rifle away.
I use electrical tape. balloons, condoms, and commercial barrel covers will degrade, rust your barrel, and remove the blue if you forget to remove it at the end of each hunt and before you put your rifle away.

I can't speak for anyone else, but, I wipe my gun down after each outing. The balloon is removed at that time.
For my rifle with a Holland and DE brakes I've been using fingers cut from surgical gloves.

... or similarly, you can use finger cots (http://tinyurl.com/y933arb).

Not much more too offer here other then explain why the tape or balloon is meaningless as far as effecting accuracy.

When a round is loaded in the chamber or a muzzle loading charge is seated in a barrel, there is a column of air between the projectile and the muzzle. As the projo travels down the bore, this column of air is compressed and builds pressure quickly.

It reaches a point that the tape or balloon can not support and either will be blown off the muzzle before the bullet ever gets to the muzzle. Air pressure clears the way, not the bullet.
With the weather we have here in alaska I always use electrical tape over the end of the barrel you dont see many hunters up here that dont do this I have shot several animals this way and never had a problem I also keep several wraps on the barrel close to the stock so I can replace the tape after the shot
QUOTE=Tony 0321;317735] I also keep several wraps on the barrel close to the stock so I can replace the tape after the shot

I keep a partial roll in my dayapck to attach the tag or fix my ownself or whatever. Electrical tape is the way to go. Baloons, condemns, etc, just wont hold up under tough going. nothing like being 5-10 miles out in the middle of nowhere with a bore plugged up with snow or dirt.
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+1 0n the finger cots. They are available at your local pharmacy. I also use a small rubber band to keep it rolling from up.

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We use inexpensive latex gloves at work and I just cut the fingers off. You get 5 per glove.

Just a warning, take the glove off before cutting the fingers off :)

We use inexpensive latex gloves at work and I just cut the fingers off. You get 5 per glove.

Just a warning, take the glove off before cutting the fingers off :)


I did this with a condom - same warning applies.
90% of the rifles in AK have tape on the end of the barrel. It has NO effect on pressure accuracy bullet spin wind drift headpsace or anything else affecting bullet flight. What it does do, amazingly, is keep moisture out of the barrel. I understand why it makes no sense to you, but worry not. Its safe.
I have taped on many a hunting trip but I was sitting here thinking, why doesn't it affect POI? A small flaw in your crown will jack things all up but tape won't, I seriously can't remember if it was blown of or I had to remove the tape with a hole in it, if it blew of I could understand but if your bullet is going through that would make me wonder why.lightbulb
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