Tape on the end of barrel


This young man took a small doe at 482 yards, one shot.

way before he was borne I've been using tape at the end of the barrel, in this case
you can see it has a muzzle brake on it.

Now, you can see the tape and also a white tissue. The reason is that once, long
ago, the tape messed the barrel's finish (some discoloration), so I always use a lens cleaning tissue under the tape to protect (if it needs protection) my barrels.
It happened on a none stainless steel barrel but I just do not discriminate! :D

The tape gives me a piece of mind, not so much worried about the rain as the flying
particles in dry areas like sage brush that is abundant in Nevada and when you drop
on the ground to shoot etc. I just want to keep garbage off my barrel!!!
I hunted the North Fork of the Sun River for 15 yrs. and always taped the end of the barrel. You don't know how much crap is in the scabbards, and i can't tell you how many times i slipped and hit the ground. It's a good precaution.
I've always used tape, but left a tail to quickly take it off before the shot. After seeing the same episode of long range pursuit, which states it doesn't change POI, I am curious if anyone has tested this. As maticulous as one must be in long range shooting, I would think tape left on the barrel might affect POI at long distances. Maybe I'll try it next time I go to the 1K range.
I am curious if anyone has tested this. As maticulous as one must be in long range shooting, I would think tape left on the barrel might affect POI at long distances. Maybe I'll try it next time I go to the 1K range.

This is my thinking too. If one is walking ad stalking close, it to me, would be alot more acceptable than a long range shot of 1000 yrds or more. The affect may not be much or visable at 300 ~ 400 yards, but at 1000 plus it could be substantial. I only believe what I see on TV after I test it myself and then decide what works for me.

Many shots taken with an M-16 in the big sand box with the military issued plastic covers...... Made no difference at all to the little 223's. Have covered with tape or finger condoms ever since with nary an issue.
I do occasionally use electrical tape on my rifles with a brake. I put one piece over the end, the do a spiral wrap from the bottom of the brake out to the end. About the only time I do this if if hunting in very bad weather. I used to tape my barrels if I were using a scabbard as I had a similar experience as one of the other posts. I was hunting with an outfitter using their scabbard, the end of which turned out to be full of bits of twigs and leaves. After two days of hunting I happened to pull the bolt and look down my barrel, the barrel was just loaded up with leaves and sticks.

I used tape on the brake for the rest of the hunt and did take a mtn goat at 536 yards with the tape still on the brake. Now I travel with my own scabbard which is fully enclosed and kept CLEAN so I don't have that worry any longer. That was the only time I have taken a fairly long shot with tape on.

Next time i am out ringing my 1K yard gong, I am going to try it with and without just for for fun. :)
Another option ...



however you protect and care for your muzzle/rifle afield, I hope that this will NEVER happen to anyone. Be safe and have a wonderful hunting season ...

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I had a smith ship a rifle to me with one of those rubber things that go on the bottom of old lady's walkers, to protect the muzzle during shipping. I just keep those on my long rangers. Protects muzzles in the case, scabbard, truck, etc. I startied putting them on all my rifles. I wont put a shell in the chamber without removing it first. Best system I have found, clean, dry, and muzzle protection. Everytime I go on a hunt or shoot with someone new, they ask where I got them like it some kind of specialty shooting item, I get them at the drug store. Found different sizes to fit .650 up to Reminton Varmint, with or without a paper towel gasket.

I lost one through some brush one time and cringed as I put the barrel muzzle down in a pack on the way out, gives you a lot of confidence when you use a pack to carry your rifle.
Man this tape debate always cracks me up! Has anyone ever seen something bad happen to point of impact from taping a barrel? Who has seen what happens when you fire a rifle with water or even a small vegetation obstruction down the barrel? I'll tell you what happens - at best a shot off target, at worst permanent damage to the barrel. I conducted extensive tests years ago to prove this, but it still keeps cropping up. We tape all our muzzles/brakes when we take them out of the gun rack before putting them in gun bags. You wanna see how much rubbish hops up into the muzzle as you run a rifle into a gun, even one you think is clean. And then there's rain, snow, leaves, sticks, dirt, etc etc. The tape is long gone before the bullet gets there!
If you refuse to tape your hunting rifle's muzzles - hey, its no skin off my nose - its your barrel!! :D:D:D:D
Past post:


Any one used these with the med. to lg. brakes?

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American Hunter testing:


Somewhere I'm pretty sure I've seen hi-speed photography of the tape being blown off well before bullet exit...I'm sure it was on this site, but I can't find it at the moment.
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I like tape. Electrical. keeps snow and mud out of the barrel especially if you carry barrel down. 99% of the time I'd take a peek (even on my taped barrel) to make sure everything's all right...it takes only once with a plugged barrel to have a problem...tape prevents that the other 1% I forget. For me its a little piece of mind...and no piece of electrical tape will preven the bullet from finding it's target (or hasn't yet in my case).


I fully understand your concerns. But like you the tape would be on my mind. So here is food for thought. In all your past hunting experience have you ever had a problem that tape would have helped? Or, Will this tape give you the confidence you need or be a distraction? For me I will carry on as I have in the past especially on important hunt like this. I don't like change. :D

Have a great hunt and pleae report with pics when you return.

I guess a lot of this depends on a few key things.

In Order of importance.

1: Where you hunt

2: What the weather is like

3: How careful you are with your muzzle

4: If you carry it up or down

5: How clumsy you are and if you trip alot.. :D :D

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