Talley Anti-Cant Indicator Ring

I use the same method as Barrelnut; obj. bell to barrel and plum line. It justs makes the most sense to me. That being said, there are a lot people mounting levels easier ways that can really shoot!
I use a level on my Ruger Precision Rifle. Now that I see that Talley makes a level I could use on the Talley rings for my new hunting rifle I just may get it.

For my new Browning X-Bolt Pro rifle I think I'd put it on the ring nearest to me since my competition level is in about the same place but over to the left.

I see levels integrated into Pic rails but that seems more awkward to use than one above the scope.

What I would really like is to have a SIG scope with their internal illuminated level indicator. But I don't trust a scope at such a low price so I'll wait to see if they put it on a higher quality scope.

Eric B.

Got the Talley rings and top ring level in burnt bronze Cerakote to match my X-Bolt Pro. (Matchy-matchy ya know ;o) I will use LOCKTITE BLUE to keep all scope ring screws from slipping. Should have no problems after doing that.

To me this is great for a long range rifle if I have the time to use it. I'm used to doing it in PRS competition with my 6.5 CM RPR so should automatically do it when hunting.
Love the update, sir!
I have the talleys on all my hunting rifles that are designed to shoot mid range. My one rifle that I will shoot further with has a level attached to the scope. They work fine for mid range. I actually like my bubble to touch the line on the side which is the eye I use cause it gives me a better reference. IMHO
Barrelnut is correct about a bubble level on the scope as opposed to on the ring. If it's on the scope itself you can not only transfer the bible level easily but easily level the scope in the new rings.

The Talley ring bubble is very handy and the lightest way to go but it does require a bit of fiddling to get it level WHILE keeping your rifle level. And LocTite is essential for the screws, but we all use it anyway, right?;o)

Eric B.
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