Anti cant device

I have a cosign indicator, but I don't use it anymore. I had to go in and get a new one because mine was sticking because it had dust in it. Not sure if it ever really worked all that well. I guess I need to try the new one. Although, one time I checked it against a leupold rangefinder and it matched. If I had the $100 to do over, I wouldn't buy one.
I use one & I won't hesitate to state, most LONG range shooters do as well. I honestly done worry too much about cant inside 500yds but.....:D. Cant can have a very significant effect on point of impact which in my limited knowledge increase right along with the range of the shot.

Take a look at the attached picture, this test was done (not by me) at 600yds IIRC with a 308. One with Left cant, no cant, & right cant, you will probably be as surprised as I was.


  • Aim Cant Effect.jpg
    Aim Cant Effect.jpg
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Now that picture is impressive. I am aware of the problem with a canted rifle, so have the device on many scopes. Problem is that in my hurry to get off a shot, I usually do not pay attention to it.
I began using them a few years back and found that it made a substantial difference in my +500 yard shots. This is particularly the case when hunting with a bipod on uneven terrain, without the visual references that you generally have when shooting at the range or off a bench. The previous post demonstrating just 600 yards tells it all. All my LR rigs have either a Holland or Flatline level mounted. Very cheap insurance! IMHO.
I began using them a few years back and found that it made a substantial difference in my +500 yard shots. This is particularly the case when hunting with a bipod on uneven terrain, without the visual references that you generally have when shooting at the range or off a bench. The previous post demonstrating just 600 yards tells it all. All my LR rigs have either a Holland or Flatline level mounted. Very cheap insurance! IMHO.

I'm also running a Holland, very nice unit. Grey, you're making me jelous, I am trying to convince myself I don't need a FlatLine.... it's not working:D

I don't know about you guys but, i'm usually quite a ways off when I mount my rifle preparing to fire... Thank the lord for ACD's lol
I'm also running a Holland, very nice unit. Grey, you're making me jelous, I am trying to convince myself I don't need a FlatLine.... it's not working:D

I don't know about you guys but, i'm usually quite a ways off when I mount my rifle preparing to fire... Thank the lord for ACD's lol

Outlaw, the Flatline is a nice unit, but my last three bought have been Hollands. It costs a lot less, works just as well, more compact, and you don't have to remember to flip it open in the heat of the moment.
The anti cant is essential IMO, the pics above clearly illustrate the need! My consistency at longer ranges improved after putting on a Hollands anti cant.
I didn't understand them for a long time. Now they make sence to me. You use them when shooting from rough and uneven terrain. Thanks, I will start checking into them.lightbulb
Like everyone is stating, past 500 yards you need one. As another factor it helps with your preshot routine. As I settle my nerves and go through my preshot routine, I check lcant first and prior to the last step of pulling the trigger. Gives you something to pay attention to and settle down before that trophy/buck fever ruins your shot. I have used several, like the Hollands and Vortex the best I have been running the Horus, ASLI on my go to big guns, kills two birds with one shot and I like the angle and math readings.
I use them,even a Bsquare $15 type works fine. I shot archery for years,with bubble, and you would use the cant for some wind hold on purpose,shooting 3-d.
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