Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania

I was born and raised until I hit 17 years old then off to the Marine Collage to learn about life. I would come back to PA everynow and then and with limited time wished I could hunt Deer on Sunday with the two week season. Mostly when I wanted to Hunt Chucks in the summer. Hunt Chucks on Friday, Saturday and fish on Sunday.
I had older friends that took Hunting on Sunday Like the Bible for no work on Sunday.
When I moved to GA - WOW - hunt every day and 365 a year. Plus there are seasons for just about anything to hunt!
PA - Open on Sunday!
The Dead South- In Hell I'll Be In Good Company, great song on the youtube 4.09 minutes, if Sunday hunters end up there, by God.
Open up sundays for hunting. If you're a landowner and don't want hunting in sundays then don't allow Sunday hunting.
I tell the Monday fudds this too. Oh if you want to start hunting Monday fine sit out the first two days and start Monday. They don't receive that well usually.
We all have choices to make why let the government tell us what choices we have to make, we need the right to decide for ourselves.
Coworkers biggest bi*** about the Saturday opening vs Monday was because his friends from out of state would hunt THEIR Saturday opener, then drive here for their deer camp on Sunday morning to hunt the opener on Monday.
It interfered with their deer camp ritual.

He just couldn't understand why I was happy to be able to hunt the opening day.

Told him it's different when you have 35 years with one company and get 5 weeks a year in vacation vs my 6 months there with no vacation.
Coworkers biggest bi*** about the Saturday opening vs Monday was because his friends from out of state would hunt THEIR Saturday opener, then drive here for their deer camp on Sunday morning to hunt the opener on Monday.
It interfered with their deer camp ritual.

He just couldn't understand why I was happy to be able to hunt the opening day.

Told him it's different when you have 35 years with one company and get 5 weeks a year in vacation vs my 6 months there with no vacation.
I think most of the older hunters love the ritual of a Monday opener and everyone spending the whole week at camp.
I used to enjoy going to hunting camp for the first week but like most people nowadays time is at a premium and there's not any to spare for some reason.
I went from a job that gave me 4 weeks vacation to one that gives me 2 thinking it wasn't that big of a deal, I was definitely wrong about that!
I think most of the older hunters love the ritual of a Monday opener and everyone spending the whole week at camp.
I used to enjoy going to hunting camp for the first week but like most people nowadays time is at a premium and there's not any to spare for some reason.
I went from a job that gave me 4 weeks vacation to one that gives me 2 thinking it wasn't that big of a deal, I was definitely wrong about that!
It wasn't that it changed how they spent the week.
It was the Weekend before opening Monday.
I think most of the older hunters love the ritual of a Monday opener and everyone spending the whole week at camp.
I used to enjoy going to hunting camp for the first week but like most people nowadays time is at a premium and there's not any to spare for some reason.
I went from a job that gave me 4 weeks vacation to one that gives me 2 thinking it wasn't that big of a deal, I was definitely wrong about that!
We did similar, we had a camp up in Mckean County. We would have Thanksgiving dinner with the family and Friday drive to camp Turkey hunt on Saturday and be looking for a place to be the first day- Monday.
We quit going and sold the camp.
My brother and I are the only ones left.
A lot of great memories. 👍
Sunday hunting for sure and Monday rifle opener, like it used to be.
Ok can anyone please explain what the benefits to the Monday opener is . You can't use that they way is was . Small business Saturday shopping or Black Friday shopping. Or you have to rush to get to camp on Friday for the opener on Saturday. You can wait till Monday or Sunday to hunt. Now if it is because you want to go to camp and drink beer hang out tell stories for a few days then say it . With the way schools and sports trying to get kids in the woods is hard with the opener this weekend of the holiday it might be there only chance.I would agree to a Monday opener if they would move it till the Monday before Thanksgiving giving us almost 3 weeks of hunting and the holiday to hunt (like Some states do).
I remember school being closed for the Monday opener. Of course this was a couple 🙄 years ago when there was a big percentage of kids and teachers that went hunting. There's still some local kids that hunt but I would be very surprised if any teachers do.
Ok can anyone please explain what the benefits to the Monday opener is . You can't use that they way is was . Small business Saturday shopping or Black Friday shopping. Or you have to rush to get to camp on Friday for the opener on Saturday. You can wait till Monday or Sunday to hunt. Now if it is because you want to go to camp and drink beer hang out tell stories for a few days then say it . With the way schools and sports trying to get kids in the woods is hard with the opener this weekend of the holiday it might be there only chance.I would agree to a Monday opener if they would move it till the Monday before Thanksgiving giving us almost 3 weeks of hunting and the holiday to hunt (like Some states do).
Mostly the people who want the monday opener are ones with lots of vacation time and have deer camps. They would spend the entire weekend Friday through Sunday preparing for the opener. Hanging stands,sighting in guns, regulating their blood to alcohol ratio and eating too many pancakes. It's strictly a "tradition" or a ritual thing, and one that they still can observe because nobody says you have to start hunting Saturday.
Being that I have two weeks vacation and two young children the extra days to hunt means the world to me. Instead of scheduling a vacation day for the first day of rifle I now have two consecutive days I can enjoy hunting with no time taken. To each their own I suppose.
Not letting me vote? Of course there should be Sundays included in all hunting seasons. If a property owner didn't want hunting on Sunday it's not a problem but I see no reason to not be able to hunt state property.
Every other state that I hunt offers 7 days a week hunting. I think there's only a couple states that don't allow Sunday hunting and of course we're one of them.
Not to mention only 1 of 2 states that don't allow semi-auto rifles for hunting. The other being Delaware. The state legislature voted to allow it a few years back but, from what I've heard, the Commissioner of the Game Commission would not Institute it. Why? If it's not an issue in 48 other states why would it be here? Seems like somebody is flexing their muscles just to show who is boss for no good reason.