Sub-Par Accuracy After LOTS of Custom Work

Something is wrong if it won't shoot a 160ish grain bullet with 68-71 grains of H-1000 into little knots.
Since the action was trued you might want to check and make sure the front scope base screw is not contacting the barrel threads. Had that happen to me once and give me fits until I figured out what it was.

I had this happen my first time out with a custom long range rig. I heard something rattling when I carried it to the bench, and I set it up and looked over everything carefully until I found the front end of my scope base was not tight and wiggled around.

One of the first things I thought was if the rings were tight to the scope AND the scope base.
Also thought the brake may be crushing the bore. Remember the thing goes on just a little more than hand tight.
I hate to say it but it sounds like the smith who cut on that thing didn't do it any favors. If you get the obvious eliminated per the other recommendations with no improvement then it may be time to get another smith involved. Most the customs I've put my hands on will shoot absolutely anything around MOA (minimum) and I fine tune to get sub .5 MOA.

This extends on to what jsthntn has stated...if it won't shoot a 160 AB or 150-168 SMK or something of the like with his load recommendation .010-.030 off the lands I'd start looking for someone willing to take on the project and fix it. I would recommend Greg Tannel. He's built several for me. Told me of fixing others' guns that are in your predicament. Everything I've had of his would do .3 MOA or better all day long and I assume since you took apart a .5 moa rifle that would be what you're after.

I hope you get things worked out with your gun. Good luck.
before even doing anything but checking the scope mounting, take a seriously long look at several of the targets you've shot. What do the groups look like. Are the round, but also big? Do they string vertically, or horizontally? What does a once fired case look like before sizing? Remember a few thousandths here makes inches down range.
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