Stainless Tumbling Media... anyone use this?

Just got a new thumbler tumbler s/s kit from sinclair but no instructions on brass prep. Easy to set up. How much water in the drum ? How do you seperate the ss media from water and brass? The only instructions I got was for polishing rocks ! Thanks, Dan

Found info on another thread. Going to try it tonight.

You should have got it from STM and you would get everything you need including instructions. You can find them here on our website.

Good Luck!!!
I recently polished brass cabinet knobs in the Thurmblers Tumbler with Dawn and Lemi shine. It can do more than brass cartridge cases.

I did not like the feel of the 1/4-20 stamped sheet metal wing nuts that come with the Thumbler.
I tried to break the edges, but the sheet meta was too thin.
So I bought some solid wing nuts and rounded their corners.

I put a Neodymium magnet on the Thumler for keeping tract of my wing nuts.

I glued the washers to the Thumbler lid, so they would stop falling off.


  • Thumbler Tumbler  nuts stock and aftermarket after de burring  for ergonomics 4-1-2012.jpg
    Thumbler Tumbler nuts stock and aftermarket after de burring for ergonomics 4-1-2012.jpg
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  • Thumbler Tumbler  nuts  getting de burring  for ergonomics 4-1-2012.jpg
    Thumbler Tumbler nuts getting de burring for ergonomics 4-1-2012.jpg
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  • Thumbler Tumbler  nuts before and after de burring  for ergonomics 4-1-2012.jpg
    Thumbler Tumbler nuts before and after de burring for ergonomics 4-1-2012.jpg
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  • Thumbler Tumbler washer glued with Gorrilia glue, nuts held with Neodymium magnet and nuts de bu.jpg
    Thumbler Tumbler washer glued with Gorrilia glue, nuts held with Neodymium magnet and nuts de bu.jpg
    64.6 KB · Views: 108
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