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How long do you use your tumbling media?

Thanks for all the responses! It seems I'm on the right track as far as my walnut media goes, approx 1000 rounds till it gets sent to the can, for lack of being able to clean efficiently. I love the idea of the STM and hope one day to own the proper equipment.

Common sense tells me that trying to clean the brass in a Sonic cleaner prior to tumbling would make a lot of difference in the life of my media, and is a great idea! Never thought of that one.

Curious to see if anyone else has other methods of making their media last longer? Or become more effective.
When you change out your media, take the old stuff and make rear sand socks out of it. I put a proper amount in a seal-a meal bag, sealed it to be water proof and then sewed it into an empty shot sack with a nylon strap and fastex buckle. It is way lighter than sand and won't take on water! With the strap and buckle you can hook it to your pack or your belt for easy access.
I have given up on the ultra sonic for brass, I still use it on bronze brushes and gun parts.

I have given up on the Walnut and Corn cob media in the vibrator.

I use the wet stainless for 3 hours for brass.
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