Springfield Armory's latest greatest

I'm ready for these to start showing up. Anyone know when they'll actually start shipping them?
Good luck, some shotshow rifles that were supposed to be released in 1st quarter still have not yet been released/shipped-- this year with cv19, riots, protests, defund police, and election has really put a hamper on finding firearms of all types
I was in a local gun shop this morning and ask about them the owner just laughed and offered to buy some of my rifles if I would part with them
I'm in for some in person inspection but I'll probably end up with one hopefully in something other than 6.5/308 one day
I see a lot of guys who spent 5-10 thousand on some super gun may be crying in their beers and consigned to owning it forever.

Modern engineering and materials has pretty well made obsolete all this "hand fitted" and "blueprinted" hype.

The only exceptions are if you desire artistry in fine wood and blued steel. H&H double rifle.

BTW, not mentioned, but you can buy it for $1825 with a 24", threaded, fluted, stainless bbl with the same 3/4 MOA guarantee. It weighs a bit more but this is not a "walk-about" rifle in any case. I'm just waiting for the 300 PRC model !
AND that barrel is nitrided which means 5000 round barrel life.
I see a lot of guys who spent 5-10 thousand on some super gun may be crying in their beers and consigned to owning it forever.

Modern engineering and materials has pretty well made obsolete all this "hand fitted" and "blueprinted" hype.

The only exceptions are if you desire artistry in fine wood and blued steel. H&H double rifle.

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I have to agree with this. $10K gets you a nicely built bolt gun but it doesn't do anything different from the Xbolt Pro LR or CA ridgeline. Production has gotten so **** good it's about appreciating an expensively built rifle that's a real wall hangar at that point and not getting anything in terms of performance.

i would love to have one but with four kids, I'll settle for custom performance at production prices. I'll get more calibers in the safe and still have a wide selection of weights and technologies in my rifles. Including this Waypoint one day.
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