Springfield Armory's latest greatest

I have to agree with this. $10K gets you a nicely built bolt gun but it doesn't do anything different from the Xbolt Pro LR or CA ridgeline. Production has gotten so **** good it's about appreciating an expensively built rifle that's a real wall hangar at that point and not getting anything in terms of performance.

i would love to have one but with four kids, I'll settle for custom performance at production prices. I'll get more calibers in the safe and still have a wide selection of weights and technologies in my rifles. Including this Waypoint one day.
Amen, Brother! I'm culling my herd of shooting irons since as I am aging I'm finding I'm one of many (!) of those Sad Sacks who find their body is breaking down at a speed far faster then is fair, IMHO.
Besides, wasn't it written that there isn't a beast on our continent, and several nearby, that can't be harvested with a good quality and accurate .30-06? I cannot say with absolute authority since some would be far too much of a challenge for THIS solitary hunter, but I've got the rifle, optic and accurate hand built ammo and when I get back to hunting I'll not feel undergunned whatsoever. Besides I have my Win Mag and single shot BMG for those times I really feel the need to shoot and hunt into another time zone.
Y'all be safe out there and God Bless you one and all.
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