Some MT speed goats!

He dialed it out, but then back past 2 full turns, cost him some goats. noticed it when he shot at ones feet. He shoots well, same gun he took a bull at 540yrds. last yr. he is 15 and wanted to do everything himself. I showed him how to run turret, but he is a A+ honor student Know it all, did not listen. I may modify turret w/small drill hole at base w/red paint behind, like I saw on this site for a better zero refernce, I also know turns to bottom out now,for zero, it had a cds dial too 1000.
Gentlemen: Don't anyone here try to besmirch the Leica line of rangefinders.
I have owned and used and tested MANY brands and models of laser rangefinders.
My current Leica, a 900 Model works SPLENDIDLY and has for some time now.
ONE example - years ago my main Hunting partner and I set up a 1,000 yard range.
What we did was put metal stakes in the ground every 100 yards for 1,000 yards.
We left one to two inches of metal stake standing above ground.
We took EXTRA caution to carefully and exactly measure out each 100 yard segment with a 100' surveyor quality steel tape.
When we went to use our range we would just drive out to the proper stake and would place our target stantions there on public lands in a windproof coulee.
All went well for years until the "drought" subsided a couple years ago and the grass became tall and thick - we could not find our stakes!!!
What to do.
I retrieved my Leica 900 Laser Rangefinder and lased back to our firing point.
Even out to 900 yards the Leica read "dead nuts" on!
I mean I was way amazed by its ability to range "perfectly"!
Now this additional - I use my leica virtually year round for Hunting spring Bear, Big Game (Antelope, Deer, Elk) in the fall and in wintery conditions and then for Varminting which IS year round - I have even used it at night!
The Leica very often quickly gets readings on animals/ranges when other brands won't!
I can find NO fault with my Leica 900 what so ever!
Its even easier on batteries than some other brands I have owned in the past.
Again use caution with any attempt to denigrate the Leicas - for LESS than $400.00 I consider this tool one of my best purchases ever!
Hold into the wind
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