So I’m not the only one... 264 Win Mag

Last time I shot a 130 gr in a 264, retumbo wasn't around, and it was in a Rem 721 264. My cousin in Wisconsin has that rifle now.

This rifle, I decided to stick with the heavy for caliber bullets and stretch it out a bit.

Hopefully someone here has and will
Relate the info to you.

What are your rifle specs?
I just ordered a barrel for one. It's a Krieger 1 in 7 twist, 28" long. Ordered the fast twist for Sierra's 150gr MK. Building on FN Mauser single shot. Looking to get a custom stock in quilted maple.

Also ordering a second barrel in chrome moly. Got stainless because it is in stock. Really wanted all blue, but it has a long wait.
Sometimes they ship sooner than they estimate. I ordered a CM 7" twist 6.5mm barrel May 21st and received it two weeks ago.
I think I am going to build one of these for the 150 -155 class bullets. Got the action ready, going to send for a reamer. My sticking point is the barrel. Does a guy go with a 7 1/2 twist and hope it stabilizes the 155/156 class bullets or go 7 twis but worry about jacket damage? Or does Trnelson have it figured out and go with a transition twist from 8 to 7 twist. You guys are always coming up with ideas that create conflict in my head:D
I think I am going to build one of these for the 150 -155 class bullets. Got the action ready, going to send for a reamer. My sticking point is the barrel. Does a guy go with a 7 1/2 twist and hope it stabilizes the 155/156 class bullets or go 7 twis but worry about jacket damage? Or does Trnelson have it figured out and go with a transition twist from 8 to 7 twist. You guys are always coming up with ideas that create conflict in my head:D
I don't believe I've figured anything out. Plenty of folks out there with higher levels of knowledge than I posses.
I have had at least one 264 win in my safe since 1995. I guess I was into this whole 6.5 thing before it was cool. With my newest Winchester M-70 extreme weather 264win nine twist I had significant issues with copper fouling in ~ the first 3" of the barrel that had to be addressed. It went straight from the box to the smith for bedding, a trigger, a muzzle brake, rings and an optic. Every 40-50 rounds it required a full decoppering as accuracy noticeably went south. A couple of more trips to a couple of different smiths for advise and re-checking, chamber casting, bore scoping to be sure there wasn't an issue. The only real credible suspicion was jacket skeiving. That just sucked to deal with. I started with Berger 140 hybrids and switched to 143ELDX and ended things with that rifle with Berger 130 AR hybrids. After 578 rounds and limited satisfaction I had had enough of that rifle and put it in the back of the safe and started looking for a solution. I never fire more than three rounds before allowing the barrel to fully cool to ambient with any of my rigs, regardless of chambering.
I recognized that with the 150g+ projectiles a nine twist is out of the question and an eight twist is marginal at best even at 264 win velocity with most of those projectiles looking for a 7.5 or a 7 twist. My project likely limits me to the 140g and heavier bullets with this rifle. Jacket stress, potential for skeiving and resultant bullet failure may indeed become an issue if I try to work with anything lighter other than solids.
The parts and reamer are at the smith currently and hopefully by the end of October I'll be able to start some preliminary load development. We will see what happens, I'll certainly share what I find.
Looking forward to your testing. My build is a bit farther out. I have a few other projects to finish first but that will give me time for more research on barrel options.
I don't believe I've figured anything out. Plenty of folks out there with higher levels of knowledge than I posses.
I have had at least one 264 win in my safe since 1995. I guess I was into this whole 6.5 thing before it was cool. With my newest Winchester M-70 extreme weather 264win nine twist I had significant issues with copper fouling in ~ the first 3" of the barrel that had to be addressed. It went straight from the box to the smith for bedding, a trigger, a muzzle brake, rings and an optic. Every 40-50 rounds it required a full decoppering as accuracy noticeably went south. A couple of more trips to a couple of different smiths for advise and re-checking, chamber casting, bore scoping to be sure there wasn't an issue. The only real credible suspicion was jacket skeiving. That just sucked to deal with. I started with Berger 140 hybrids and switched to 143ELDX and ended things with that rifle with Berger 130 AR hybrids. After 578 rounds and limited satisfaction I had had enough of that rifle and put it in the back of the safe and started looking for a solution. I never fire more than three rounds before allowing the barrel to fully cool to ambient with any of my rigs, regardless of chambering.
I recognized that with the 150g+ projectiles a nine twist is out of the question and an eight twist is marginal at best even at 264 win velocity with most of those projectiles looking for a 7.5 or a 7 twist. My project likely limits me to the 140g and heavier bullets with this rifle. Jacket stress, potential for skeiving and resultant bullet failure may indeed become an issue if I try to work with anything lighter other than solids.
The parts and reamer are at the smith currently and hopefully by the end of October I'll be able to start some preliminary load development. We will see what happens, I'll certainly share what I find.
Well after a lot of delay and anticipation, it is finally 100% complete. Now just to wait for better weather so I can get to the range and start putting it through it's paces. I will be starting with the 160g Matrix VLD, and hopefully staying with it as I have 1k on hand. Realistically, I believe with a 32" finished barrel 3,000 to 3,050 FPS should be safely possible. I will be starting with Norma 217 it has proven to be nearly ideal in two of my other rigs with very good and very linear temperature stability. Coupled with very good case fill it has given me a SD of 8 FPS in one other 264 win mag rig and 6 FPS in my 30/338 win mag with the 230 berger OTM.


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