I am one of the over 70. It has always interested me in the Muzzle Loader. Just never taken the time to get one or shoot one. I have been at some ranges, where somebody is firing one or two. I stop and talked to them about their rifles. Yes I am from Montana and have been for a great many years. We have so many or extended season it isn't funny. With the wolves it has really cut into the game there. Closed areas and the grizzle bears has or is becoming a big problem here in the state. Or at lease I feel that way. We had a Democrat Governor for a long time, and couldn't get by him, and how he appointed on the game commission. That has changed now, and hopefully we can keep it that way. Land you can't get onto, and the elk hold up at. The wolves has really cut into the elk here. Long seasons and some areas allowed to shot cow elk in a portion of the hunting period. One area outside of Yellowstone the Fed's and State were working together to reduce the elk, so the bison could have an area for the winter time. I watch the elk, moose disappear there. On top of the that they moved in the Grizzle Bear. it has become a deadly area for hunter to hunt in now. Every year you hear about somebody getting eaten up there. 20 years ago there wasn't any Grizzly Bears there. The state and the feds moved them in there. I hunted there with a bow, and not a rifle. I have stop hunting there, and the game has gone down. Moose you couldn't not stop running into them there. Now good luck finding them now.