smith&Wesson 10 mm


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2014
I have a s&w 10mm model 1076 and it has a very sloppy trigger. I have talked to a gunsmith about fixing it and he says there is nothing that can be done. So my question is can I buy an after market trigger for that gun or is what he told me the truth?
He told you the truth! Ever heard "Ya' can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear"? If you want an auto pistol that can be 'customzed' you need to be looking at 1911s. DA auto pistols are what they are, pistols with "spongy" triggers! And I don't care who made it!
Contact the S&W Performance Center. They've always been responsive to others I know. Or, someone like Teddy Jacobson.
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