Rick Richard
Well-Known Member
Shelby, NCi live moore county nc can you give gs location
Shelby, NCi live moore county nc can you give gs location
they have done 5 for me and all excellent work and quickly. we have a couple places locally but when I look at their old lathes with grease and oil all over them it does not instill confidence in the work on my expensive rifles so I just have to suck it up and pay the price or trust UPS or USPS to not destroy or lose my rifle and have someone else do the workThey threaded my barrel and did an excellent job. It works perfectly but, wow, that is high.
I had mine done here for $65 from a local gunsmith. Works like a charm.Yep, good idea to check around. I am having one done currently by a local and excellent GS and his price for cut and thread is $85.
it appears what they have done with their pricing is to include free shipping in the price, but what they have done is upped the price so they are not out anything on the shipping and still making more money. but if you pick it up like I do you still have to pay the high price. Just checked LRI and they are also 200.00 for the same work just 350 miles away instead of 105.Consider yourself fortunate if you have a smith close by that can do that work for you. They can be hard to find. I did a barrel at Silencer Central and they did a good job. As I recall the $150 included shipping and packaging so in my mind a fair deal. $200 is pushing it even for those of us without access to other options.