side arm for wolf protection

Saw a coal black one in Montana in October 2016 while elk hunting. It was kicked out of a wooded area by two fellow hunters. It was running full speed at about 300 yards. I had a tag but it was so big, compared to the Mule deer does that were also kicked out, it was gone before I realized what it was...

Truthfully, he was only exposed for a few seconds before disappearing in another thicket.

I did take a .44 magnum revolver on the trip with me, but to conserve weight, I never took it into the mountains. Being in bad (for mountain hunting) shape carrying an 11 pound rifle-scope-sling, shooting sticks and other gear was a problem for me. I stripped down to carry the bare minimum.

BTY, I don't thing such a large revolver is needed for wolf, but is a better choise for large bears which are in northwest Montana.

Good luck

I recommend a Glock 20SF, 29SF or the 40 MOS. All 10mm, put some underwood ammo into it and you have a hard hitting, wolf stopper. Con't argue with 15+1.
What bare minimum caliber would anyone here recommend for protection in wolf country?? Auto/revolver. A woman will be using this handgun. She has fired as large as .44mag. Any ideas most welcome. Thanks
I'd carry a sat phone. So I could call Liam neison
My wife is kinda stuck on liking the safety on her 9 . I want to get her into a XD 9 or preferably 40 S+W. I really like the grip safety. The thing I like about it is its very secure. And the 3" has a good light rail.

So , since I wrote this My wife got an XD9 . she loves it. I've got it loaded with 148 gr Buffalo Bore hard cast .
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I carry a .41 Rem Mag and never feel under gunned in the least.
The .41 is everything a .44 mag should have been.
There is no critter in he world that could tell the difference when getting hit with the .41 or the .44.
I do not think that the report would scare off a pack of wolves or a moose so my choice is the .41.
I ended up buying a Gen4 Glock 20 10mm for 15rds on tap. Hopefully I never have to use it, but for the firepower/weight ratio, it seemed like a winner.

Ha! Post 444 for that....should've been more strategic. Can I get a mulligan?
For wolves, any sidearm she already has will be more than fine so long as it's not to heavy. Wolf country is also bear and mountain lion country. That's what I'd be having in mind.
Glock 29 10mm with Glock 20 Mags packed full of Buffalo Bore hard cast 200 gr wadcutter.
Cold Trigber Finger nailed it! I just read an article about Ed Stevensen (Alaska guide) killing a grizzly bear using the Buffalo Bore hard cast 148 gr with a 9mm. Buffalo Bore uses the RimRock 148 gr hard cast bullet for that load and they're very reasonably priced - so I just placed an order! Sounds like perfect wolf medicine to me!
If she can shoot it a wolf will be no match for a 9mm up close but the most important thing is that she shoot it often and be proficient with it. Have her work on moving targets too, my wife and I like party balloons on a line blowing in the breeze. I string a close line then dangle 5 or so balloons a couple feet below it, one calls out color to shoot as the other shoots.