In the major cities for sure and to a large extent nationwide there has been a widespread militarization of the police in this country. Where I live the neighboring PD has a few no sh__ BRADLEY armored vehicles among other armored vehicles. They wear all black, face masks, the full kit of a soldier plus when they roll them too, look like the thugs of a tin pot dictator. There are way too many among them that refer to CITIZENS as civilians, and they very much view the public as us vs them. THESE are the people that have changed the view of so many when it comes to law enforcement and it is sad. Not to mention the Feds overstepping at seemingly every opportunity. I grew up in an LE family, I have LE friends. It troubles me deeply that you can't or shouldn't openly interact with LE because you don't know what type of officer you are dealing with. Nearby there is a Soros DA putting filth on the street daily, I do see the reason some LE have lost faith in the system and probably in humanity itself. I don't see it getting any better anytime in my lifetime either, quite the opposite.