I'm new to this long range shooting world though I have plinked with guns out to 800 yards for years, but with no mathematical precision. I have hunted my whole life and as I am considering purchasing a gun in 7mm PRC for shooting long range. I cannot seem to get over the hump of purchasing a gun exclusively for long range shooting without being able to use it for hunting. Am I crazy to try and find a balance between the two?
You are not crazy, I think many people, including myself, look for rifles to be multi-purpose. However, I have come to realize that I love to hunt, but I am limited by many things (season timing, weather, actual opportunity on animals, number of tags, etc). So, on a good year, I may have opportunity to pull the trigger 5 or 8 times. 1 big out west hunt, one white tail buck, 2-3 WT does, and maybe one other hunt for bear, hogs, etc. So, while it is very important and a sense of.pride to be able to harvest things efficiently and longer than typical ranges, it is still only 5 to 8 trigger pulls annually. That just doesnt scratch.the itch for me.
So, I have resorted to building/buying rifles that are fun, efficient, low recoil, and relatively inexpensive to shoot, so to allow me to enjoy the sport/hobby, and exercise the cause and effect side of building, accurizing, load developing for (long range) shooting.
To comment directly on your potential choice (7 PRC), this is an awesome cartridge, and can go extremely long and is very effective on game of all sizes. However, it is expensive to feed, especially if you aren't a reloader. And for practice purposes, the recoil is relatively high, especially in a hunting weight rifle.
If money were no object, or if you had the means, I would consider a target specific rifle for fun, and hunting specific rifle for hunting and buy/build them for their purpose.