Shorty Hunting Rifle Build - Advice Requested...

My hunting rifle is a 26" 65SS with 156's around 2950. I built a 22" 65 Creedmoor for NRL Hunter to shoot 156's with a TB UL7. I can get just over 2500 before I see some pressure signs with Lapua cases. I could push it probably 75 fps faster but I need no pressure since this will see extreme temperatures, rains, etc.

I'm keeping the Creed in the truck on bird hunts as a coyote rifle. I'd have no problem shooting an elk at 500+ with it. It might meet your 800 yard requirement but not as well as a magnum.
I guess I'll jump in as I have a shorty listed in the Classifieds that's ideal for suppressor use. It's chambered in .308 Win and in a shorty .308 goes together like peaches and cream.
Short barrel will need to watch velocity at impacts. I'd be looking at a 6.5prc with a 20" barrel.

I don't see the point in a barrel shorter than that on a long range hunting rifle when you'll have so much space to handle it. A bush gun sure.

My 6.5cm has a 20" barrel and maintains 1800 FPS to 500 yards. I did a 20" as a bush gun though so in your case. Step up to the 6.5prc and and you'll gain 1-200 yards of range with good impact velocity.

Unfortunately though. I don't see the point in going with a super short barrel on a long range hunting rig.

And urban tactical type rifle. Sure I understand but out in the open fields and tree lines. I don't think going to a 20-24" barrel will ever cause a problem l.
Hmmm. I don't think I know anybody who hunts with a 16 in. barrel beyond 400 yds! I do have one buddy who hunts deer with a 7mm RM and 121 Hammers out to 350 yds or so successfully! 400+, ... I wouldn't do it!
Hmmm. I don't think I know anybody who hunts with a 16 in. barrel beyond 400 yds! I do have one buddy who hunts deer with a 7mm RM and 121 Hammers out to 350 yds or so successfully! 400+, ... I wouldn't do it!
Kind of depends on the cartridge and the muzzle velocity it can produce. Sure 16 reduces that, but you can put something together that will shoot past 400 with a 16in barrel.
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