Shorty Hunting Rifle Build - Advice Requested...

I'd run the 7ss with 180 hybrids if you want heavy. If I was a betting man I would venture a guess it would out run the 6.5ss and 156. I was just out today trying to break in my 7 max. I'm really liking the new 190 matrix bullets. My back up is the 180 hybrids. I know some guys on here really like the 180 Eldm's. Those I do not have any experience with….
I'd run the 7ss with 180 hybrids if you want heavy. If I was a betting man I would venture a guess it would out run the 6.5ss and 156. I was just out today trying to break in my 7 max. I'm really liking the new 190 matrix bullets. My back up is the 180 hybrids. I know some guys on here really like the 180 Eldm's. Those I do not have any experience with….
I appreciate the reply. I've not had any luck getting ELD-Ms or ELD-Xs to run for me, but have only tried the in 6mm. Three different chamberings, and I just couldn't get the accuracy. Went back to my tried and true 105 hybrids. They run in everything... I am partial to all things Berger as they just seem to work. the 195s in my 7LRM are just flat lethal. I should search and see if I can find a thread with real world velocities for these options from a 20" barrel. I tend to agree with you that the larger bore running the heavier grain bullet will be the winner...
I appreciate the reply. I've not had any luck getting ELD-Ms or ELD-Xs to run for me, but have only tried the in 6mm. Three different chamberings, and I just couldn't get the accuracy. Went back to my tried and true 105 hybrids. They run in everything... I am partial to all things Berger as they just seem to work. the 195s in my 7LRM are just flat lethal. I should search and see if I can find a thread with real world velocities for these options from a 20" barrel. I tend to agree with you that the larger bore running the heavier grain bullet will be the winner...
There was a guy selling one not that long ago from Hawaii that had a 20 inch and I can't remember for the life of me remember what he said he was getting. I'm not a Hornady fan at all. I'm a hammer and Berger guy. I'll look up the spread sheet for load data and see what I find.
21 inch and 175 eldx is as close as I can find on the new sheet. For the 7ss. If I recall Hornady has a larger bearing surface…


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Any of the 6.5 or 7mm short mags would be my vote. Since your sacrificing some speed I would lean towards 7mm WSM or SAUM that can shoot a heavier bullet for 800 yard hunting.
7 or 6.5 wsm or saum would do the job. What suppressor? Might want to look at the barrel length they require per cartridge. Ex. I have a thunderbeast dominus I'm waiting to get the call for...I have a 300 prc , TB says 20" barrel is short as I can go for the 300 prc range of cartridge.

Run the numbers on a 147 or180 eldm, or Bergers, at say 2800...for ideas.
7 or 6.5 wsm or saum would do the job. What suppressor? Might want to look at the barrel length they require per cartridge. Ex. I have a thunderbeast dominus I'm waiting to get the call for...I have a 300 prc , TB says 20" barrel is short as I can go for the 300 prc range of cartridge.

Run the numbers on a 147 or180 eldm, or Bergers, at say 2800...for ideas.
Read post #11 and you'll have your answer…..
Get a short action 30 Cal and move on. A SAUM or a SS or a WSM. A short barrel 338 would be a beast to handle with that short of a barrel, IMO. Are you going to reload all your ammo or are you running factory ammo only?
Just took a 22" 7SS pushing 184 Hyb @ 2797fps, and my 24" 7SS pushing 184 @ 2868fps out yesterday. From 661 to 1401. Didn't miss a single shot with either. Drop was about .8MIL different at 1401. I would think a 20" should be able to get 2750ish when barrel is broken in. Enough for up to elk-sized game to 800+/- depending on where you hunt.

Shot each of these with both rifles.
1 @ 661 (4" round)
1 @ 721 (12" sq)
1 @ 801 (bowling pin)
1 @ 881 (8" star)
1 @ 997 (2/3 IPSC)
2 @ 1001 (8" round)
1 @ 1004 (12" sq)
2 @ 1401 (2/3 IPSC)

The 184s hit with authority. I was super impressed with the 7SSs. They hit way harder than a 6.5mm 156 @ 2916fps out past 1000. Noticeably so. And way, WAY more than the 6CM pushing a 105 @ 3199 does!





My hunting rifle is a 26" 65SS with 156's around 2950. I built a 22" 65 Creedmoor for NRL Hunter to shoot 156's with a TB UL7. I can get just over 2500 before I see some pressure signs with Lapua cases. I could push it probably 75 fps faster but I need no pressure since this will see extreme temperatures, rains, etc.

I'm keeping the Creed in the truck on bird hunts as a coyote rifle. I'd have no problem shooting an elk at 500+ with it. It might meet your 800 yard requirement but not as well as a magnum.
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