shooting positions and bipod selection

My favorite is sand bags on the hood of the pickup, hanha.

Seriously I have tried every contraption I can think of to get a solid rest. For me prone is the very best choice for long range shots. It seems like more often than not I find my self crawling over some type terrain feature to stalk an antelope which often times allows for prone shooting. I prefer to use bipods on my rile with something sporting the stock also (sand bag, binos, rolled up coat whatever). shooting from a back pack is ok but not as steady as a good rest front and back. I also carry either a tripod for my stutter that I can use as a shooting rest or I carry a set of vanguard shooting sticks. When I shoot from a seated position I use my bono buddies to rest the butt of the rile. I have shot thousands of coyotes with shooting sticks and the bino buddies from the seated position. I feel this is pretty good out to about 550 yards.

I like the shorter bipods that adjust rom 6 to 12 inches because I am steadier and get a better check weld.
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