Antelope hunt shooting rest

You have it right as to needing sticks over grass. Also, plan on a stalk over some distance, which sticks work well for when busting a hump to the next rise. Good luck, you're gonna love the eastern plains.
I'm taking a trip out to Colorado to hunt antelope this fall. This will be my first time hunting Antelope and my first time hunting in Colorado.

I am curious as to what type of rest I should purchase for the trip with the mind set that I am going to be shooting 300+ yards. The hunt will be on a ranch near Lajunta, Colorado. I am not sure if I should be expecting a standing shot or a sitting shot.

Typically I have taken my long range hunting from the prone position off a Harris bipod, but I am thinking this will not work due to tall grass etc., but I am not sure. Just looking for some advice or words of wisdom. Any help would be appreciated.
shooting sticks work really well in tri pod so you can shoot standing !

I used one of these on my bull elk hunt and it made all the difference in the world. Takes a minute to set up properly, but with antelope you typically have the time. For the money it can't be beat and is much more stable than I thought it would be and it is pretty light. Good luck.
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We usually use shooting sticks because the sage and grass is too tall to shoot prone, as you mention.
I have a couple of different ones, but we like these:

They work well when sitting or other positions too. I also carry a set that is similar but much taller to use on the occasion we are standing.
I forgot - I also have one of these that we use too. Lighter than the Bog Pod linked above, which is why I bought it.
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I'm taking a trip out to Colorado to hunt antelope this fall. This will be my first time hunting Antelope and my first time hunting in Colorado.

I am curious as to what type of rest I should purchase for the trip with the mind set that I am going to be shooting 300+ yards. The hunt will be on a ranch near Lajunta, Colorado. I am not sure if I should be expecting a standing shot or a sitting shot.

Typically I have taken my long range hunting from the prone position off a Harris bipod, but I am thinking this will not work due to tall grass etc., but I am not sure. Just looking for some advice or words of wisdom. Any help would be appreciated.

Most of my antelope have been taken from shooting sticks. Mine are 48" long, putting my rest point at a possible 40" to 42", which will put me over most brush, sage ect. memtb
The only thing I've used over the many years when hunting 'Lopes is a Rancher/Cattleman Panama hat. Makes a great rifle rest when one is needed. Otherwise it keeps the sun off the head. On a berm, on a rock, in the nock of a tree.... Prone, sitting. I leave it on the head when I have to stand cause I hate it, and as offen as not will pass on standing for the sake of accuracy... 2¢
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