Antelope hunt

Look for any easy 1 point draw area and find a guide who has access to a LOT of private in that area. The easy draw areas are mostly private and provide super hunting when you get the access as some outfitters have.
I think you are barking up the wrong tree! You may want to consider a landowner tag and outfitter in New Mexico? It will be possible to find private ranches to hunt in units that require 1 pref pt but the quality bucks won't come close to what you can harvest on some of the private ranches in New Mexico. If you had a few more pref pts you would have a lot more options in Wyo.
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I think you are barking up the wrong tree! You ought to be looking at a landowner tag and outfitter in New Mexico!
I agree. I've hunted WY the last 3-4 years (until last year), always in area 2, NE corner. Last August I hunted in NM and shot the biggest buck I've ever seen. WY might have the numbers, but I think NM has the bigger Bucks. Below are pis of mine and SIL's from an Aug '20 NM hunt near Hobbs.


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If you do the New Mexico landowner tag route I can personally recommend Back Country Outfitters. I saw 13 buck the last day while spotting for the last 2 guys to tag out. (Of course, a beast 100 yds on the wrong side of a fence) Only one guy didn't score after opportunities (shots) at 6 different bucks. And you had to hunt for a cactus!
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