Serious wear & marks on the bolt of a new rifle. Is this normal?

Actually, you may consider that the action-smoothing process has started. on new factory-built rifles, I coat the bolt with JB bore cleaner and sit in fron of the TV for an hour. I squirt it out heavily with carburetor cleaner and use my favorite light grease. Action is smooooooth!

I would make darn sure that the firearm is new i.e., check the paperwork and run a patch through the bolt - if really dirty save and take to your dealer.
Hope get some advices for this problem, it make me so frustrated.

I just picked up a brand new Mossberg patriot

Looking at the bolt of the rifle, which I still haven't inserted into the rifle at all, I saw these serious wear marks in the finish on the lugs, both sides.

Have you seen this on new rifles before? is it common for such kind of budget rifle ?
Should I ask replacement from dealer or Mossberg service?

Would that happen from the test firing in the factory, or does it indicate that the bolt has been used or comes from a used rifle?

Thank you in advance.

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Bolt head wear is not consistent with the condition of the bolt body. Roll pin appears to possibly have been drifted with a punch....maybe changed......not characteristic of a new rifle. Can you see the mating lugs in the receiver? Do they match the bolt head condition? I would contact Mossberg Customer Service, sharing pictures for their input. Is the store where purchased an authorized Mossberg retailer? Major concerns are proper tight lockup and proper headspacing. Are there any matching numbers on the bolt/head and receiver? Don't recall if Mossberg number matches their parts.
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