Is this normal brass wear??

+1 on the Redding body die and Lee Collet die. That is the method that I use with several calibers with excellent results.
I just ordered the hornady headspace gauge kit and threw away the old cases and replaced them with brand new ones. I also ordered a 6.5 neck sizer to avoid bumping the shoulders back.
The headspace kit and things learned are excellent. I made a poor man's version using a digital caliper and 1/4" and 3/8" sockets. I just found the right size socket to contact the case shoulder about half way down, then put the combo in the calipers. I found it very interesting measuring factory rounds, new factory brass vs. fired cases and resized cases. That's when I discovered what I consider too much stretch upon the first firing. Enough so that I won't shoot factory brass until I make it fit properly before firing. Have been able to minimize stretch and measure it by resizing minimally (bump full resize) and checking after firing. It sounds like you're on this now! BTW, I started on this because I was getting the beginnings of separation in a .25-06 Encore after only 2 or 3 loads. I was pretty sure I wasn't over-sizing. I was over-stretching brass that left the factory on the small side and was fired in a max headspace chamber. That's what I meant by a one-time overstretch wrecking case life.
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